No Entry Audit Report

How to print: Enter 5 at the Physical Inventory Report Selection Screen. You will also need to select a control and batch number at this screen. The system also produces this report when you accept a batch if any of the item locations or LPNs have unentered count quantities for the accepted count. When you accept a batch this report will print, but not contain any records, if:

• all item locations or LPNs in the batch had been counted in a previous count, but

• you did not enter count quantities for each item location or LPN in the batch for the count you have just accepted (for example, you entered count quantities only for an item location where you found a discrepancy).

The system submits the job PI_NO, which produces this report.

The first, second, and final count quantities will each be zero.

CWDirect Rel 2.1 No Entry Audit Report ELISE_K INR1016 6/10/97 14:40:56 Page 1

EZK Mail Order

Control/Batch# 1 - 1


1st 1st 2nd 2nd Final Final

Item Sku Location/Class Type LPN Count Ticket# Count Ticket# Count Ticket# O/H Qty

0164 05 L A099 S 0 0 9 0 36 0 0 48

7106 A099 S 0 0 10 0 37 0 0 175

AUGIE BULK B 0 0 11 0 38 0 0 0

AUGIE BULK B 100 0 12 0 39 0 0 20

AUGIE BULK B 112 0 13 0 40 0 0 100

AUGIE BULK B 113 0 14 0 41 0 0 50

AUGIE BULK B 114 0 15 0 42 0 0 10

AUGIE BULK B 115 0 16 0 43 0 0 16

CD300 BULK B 0 0 23 0 50 0 0 500

COST BULK B 0 0 24 0 51 0 0 812

DE400 BULK B 0 0 25 0 52 0 0 5

DROPSHIP BULK B 0 0 26 0 53 0 0 51

DROPSHIP1 BULK B 0 0 27 0 54 0 0 7


• control and batch number

• warehouse code and description

• item and SKU codes

• location code and location class

• location type. Valid values are:

B= bulk

P = primary

S = secondary

T = temporary

• LPN (if the items are not assigned to an LPN, the LPN is 0)

• first count quantity

• first count ticket number if you use tickets

• second count quantity

• second count ticket number if you use tickets

• final count quantity

• final count ticket number if you use tickets

• on-hand quantity of record before generating the physical inventory (if the item location includes both LPN and "loose" units, the total on-hand quantity minus the quantity assigned to LPNs will appear under LPN 0)

The first, second, and final count quantities will each be zero.

WH01_07r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN