Transaction History

Chapters in this part: The following chapters describe the history information maintained for inventory transactions and how to display and print this information.

Display Inventory Transaction History (DITH) describes the amount of history available, describes the inventory transaction history scan screen, and tells you how to display a specific record.

Print Inventory Transaction History (PITH) tells you how to use the selection screen and how to print inventory transaction history. It also describes a sample report.

Display Inventory Transaction Summary (DITS) tells you how to use the scan screen and how to display a specific record.

Printing the Inventory Transaction Summary (PITS) describes how to print a summary of transactions.

Printing the Inventory Receipt Exception Report (PIRE) describes how to print inventory transaction receipts that contain exceptions.

Printing the Aged Receiving Report (PARR) describes how to print an inventory receipt transaction aging report.

Printing the Inventory Valuation Report (PIVR) describes how to print the Inventory Valuation report.

Printing the Inventory Transaction Analysis Summary and Detail Reports (PITA) describes how to print the Inventory Transaction Analysis reports.

Generic Item Transaction History Outbound API describes how to generate and send the Item Transaction History Outbound XML Message (CWInvXActionOut) to a remote system.

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