On Hand by Warehouse Report

How to print: Complete the On Hand by Warehouse List Prompt Screen with the By warehouse/by warehouse vendor field set to 1 or with a Vendor specified.

CWDirect Rel 6.0 On Hand by Warehouse EKAPLAN INR0805 10/03/02 10:41:11 Page

Sarah`s Pet Shop


Item SKU Description O/H Vendor List Extension

CA1234 1 OZ LOOSE CATNIP FOR CATS 1 .5000 .5000

CP10000 5 LBS COOK AND SERVE PARROT FOOD 84 6.0000 504.0000

PU44444 PUPPY STARTER KIT 14 2.0000 28.0000

GR45678 GROWN YOUR OWN KITTY GREENS 15 1.0000 15.0000

KI22222 DACHSHUND KIBBLE 152 1.0000 152.0000

MO3333333 10 LBS HIGH-PROTEIN MOUSE CHOW 145 1.0000 145.0000

MO3333333 5 LBS HIGH-PROTEIN MOUSE CHOW 145 1.0000 145.0000

PE4444444 KITTEN TOY KIT 5 2.0000 10.0000

PF10000 MACAW CAGE 3x3x5’ 43 120.0000 5,160.0000

MI66666 MILLET SPRAY 20 1.0000 20.0000

SO777777 DOG WASH APPLE SCENT 44 1.0000 44.0000

SW10000 BLUE LRGE CABLE DOG SWEATER 131 2.0000 262.0000

SW10000 BLUE SMLL CABLE DOG SWEATER 66 1.5000 99.0000

TF10000 PEANUT BUTTER DOG BISCUITS 321 4.0000 1,284.0000

TR10000 BLCK LRGE STRIPE DOG SWEATER 124 3.0000 372.0000

TR10000 BLCK MEDM STRIPE DOG SWEATER 24 3.0000 72.0000

TR10000 BLUE MEDM STRIPE DOG SWEATER 200 3.0000 600.0000

WA10000 COCKATIEL CAGE 24x20x32" 315 25.0000 7,875.0000

YE22222 WOODEN MIRROR PERCH 20 1.0000 20.0000

Warehouse Totals 1,869 16,807.5000


• warehouse number and description

• item code

• SKU code, if any

• item description

• total on-hand quantity for the item/SKU; does not include any purchase orders that are docked or received into suspense

• based on your entry in the Print cost field at the On Hand by Warehouse List Prompt Screen:

C = Cost: the standard, average, or FIFO cost on the report, based on the Costing Method (A25) system control value. If the appropriate cost is not specified in the SKU file, the report uses the cost from the Item file. If you use FIFO costing, the unit cost of each item/SKU is not listed, only the extended cost, calculated as the totals of FIFO layers (see Using FIFO Cost Layer Inquiry (WFCF)).

R = Retail: the most current price for the item/SKU, based on the latest Effective date that is not in the future. Also, the Current Offer (A33) must still be active, based on the End (End date) for the offer. If the item has SKUs, a price is listed only if there is a SKU Price record; if the item does not have SKUs, the price from the Item Price record is listed. The price does not include any discounts, price breaks, promotions, or other factors that affect selling price.

V = Vendor list: the vendor/item price for the item’s primary vendor. No vendor/item price is listed if the item has no primary vendor, or if there is no vendor/item for the primary vendor.

blank: There is no cost or price information.

• The extended cost, retail price, or vendor list price for the item/SKU

• total on-hand quantity in the warehouse

• total extended cost, retail price, or vendor list price in the warehouse


• The report does not perform currency conversion when the vendor’s currency is different from your own; in this situation, the unit and extended vendor/item prices may be incorrect.

• The vendor/item price is zero for kit items.

WH07_13r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN