Batch Sync Record Reconciliation Report

Purpose: Use this report to compare the number of physical inventory count records processed through the PIX async against the number of physical inventory count records that should have been processed through the PIX async.

If the total records counted does not match the record count defined on the trailer record, the system places all of the physical inventory record counts in the Sync Transaction file and the physical inventory is not processed. You must clear all of the records in the Sync Transaction record before a physical inventory can be processed.

How to print: Generate a physical inventory through PkMS using the PkMS Physical Inventory Process.

CWDirect Rel 4.2 Batch Sync Record Reconciliation Report KLETENDRE PKR0082 7/27/00 11:37:26 Page 1

Total records counted: 398

Record count from PkMS: 400


Total records counted: The total number of P type inventory transaction records processed through the PIX async after the physical inventory header record was processed through the PIX async and before the physical inventory trailer record was processed through the PIX async.

Record count from PkMS: the number defined in the PIX reference 3 field on the physical inventory trailer record processed through the PIX async. This number represents the number of P type inventory transactions that should be processed between the physical inventory header and trailer records.

WH13_12r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN