Working with WMS PIX Transaction Errors (WWPE)

Purpose: Use the Work with WMS PIX Errors Screen to review WMS PIX inventory transaction errors that occurred during WMS Inventory Transaction Setup. WMS PIX transaction errors can occur when CWDirect receives a Generic PIX XML Message from a warehouse management system.

See the Integration Layer user reference for more information on the translation process the integration layer performs on generic WMS XML messages.

You cannot correct WMS PIX inventory transaction errors using this menu option. Instead, you can use Working with Inventory Transactions in Immediate Mode (WITI) to manually enter the inventory transaction in CWDirect.

Note: You can review and reprocess PkMS inventory transaction errors using the Working with PkMS PIX Transaction Errors (WPTE) menu option.

In this topic:


Work with WMS PIX Errors Screen

Display WMS PIX Errors Screen


If any of these errors occur, the PIX ASYNC stops processing the generic inventory transaction XML message and writes the record to the WMS Inventory Transaction Error file.

a transaction date is not defined for the message:

Transaction date not entered.


a transaction time is not defined for the message:

Transaction time not entered.


a transaction reason code is not defined for the message:

Transaction reason code is required.


the transaction reason code is not a valid code:

Transaction reason code is invalid.


a transaction code is not defined for the message:

Transaction code not entered.


the CWDirect company code is not a valid company:

Invalid Company Code


the company code is not defined for the message:

Company Code not entered


the warehouse is not defined for the message:

Whse not entered.


the warehouse is not a valid warehouse:

Invalid Warehouse


the purchase order number is not valid:

Invalid PO Number.


the purchase order number is not defined for the message:

PO Number is not entered.


the purchase order sequence number is not a valid sequence number:

Invalid PO Seq #


the CWDirect item/SKU is not a valid item/SKU:

Invalid Item/SKU


the CWDirect item is not a valid item:

Invalid Base Item.


the primary location for the item/SKU is blank:

Primary Location is blank.


the location is not defined for the message:

Location not entered.


the location is not a valid location:

Location is not valid.


the location is not a valid location for the item/SKU:

Location for Item is not a valid location.


the quantity is not defined for the message:

Quantity not entered.


the inventory adjustment type is not defined for the message:

Inventory adjustment type is not entered.


the inventory adjustment type is not a valid type:

Inventory adjustment type is invalid.


the To company is not defined for the message:

To Company code not entered.


the item/warehouse is not a valid item/warehouse:

Item Warehouse Record Not Found


an item location does not exist:

Item Location Record could not be created


the item warehouse on hand quantity is less than the item warehouse reserve quantity:

QTY on hand is less than Reserved QTY.


the record is a make up set transaction and the item is not defined as a finished good item:

Item must be Finished Good for Make Up Set trans.


the record is an overlay transaction and the quantity to overlay is less than the item warehouse reserve quantity:

Overlay Qty is less than reserved qty.


the record is a negative adjustment and the system does not have enough inventory in the location and warehouse defined:

Unable to Adjust


the record is a negative adjustment and the system cannot unreserve all of the adjustment quantity:

Unable to Unreserve Remaining Orders.


the record corresponds to another record that failed edits:

Corresponding PIX Trans failed edits.


the physical inventory record could not be processed. See Receiving Physical Inventory Transactions from PkMS (PKST) for an overview of performing a physical inventory using PkMS.

Invalid Sync Transaction


When the on hand quantity drops below the reserved quantity, CWDirect unreserves reserved but unprinted lines in order to complete the inventory transaction. If there is not enough reserved but unprinted lines, CWDirect then writes a WMS PIX inventory transaction error for the amount that the system could not unreserve.

Required Values for WMS PIX Inventory Transactions

The following table indicates the required values for each type of inventory transaction sent through the WMS PIX inventory transaction XML message.

Inventory transaction code setup: CWDirect processes all WMS PIX inventory transaction messages, regardless of how the Allow flag is set in the Work with Inventory Transaction Codes (WITC) menu option.

If the Reason required field for the inventory transaction is set to Y, CWDirect requires a valid inventory transaction reason code passed in the WMS PIX inventory transaction message.

Note: Express bill (E) and item to item transfer (G) inventory transactions are not allowed to pass through the WMS PIX inventory transaction XML message.

Inventory transaction

Required values


A (adjustment)

• type

• msg_type

• company

• item_number

• sku

• warehouse

• transaction_date

• transaction_time

• seq_nbr

• quantity

• inv_adj_type

• location

• transaction_code


C (customer return)

• type

• msg_type

• company

• item_number

• sku

• warehouse

• transaction_date

• transaction_time

• seq_nbr

• quantity

• inv_adj_type

• location

• transaction_code

Optional values:

• order #

• ship to #

• order detail sequence #

• invoice number

• invoice detail line number

CWDirect does not create a credit to process against the order.

I (issue)

• type

• msg_type

• company

• item_number

• sku

• warehouse

• transaction_date

• transaction_time

• seq_nbr

• quantity

• inv_adj_type

• location

• transaction_code

Optional values:

• order #

• ship to #

• order detail sequence #

• invoice number

• invoice detail line number

CWDirect does not create an invoice to process against the order.

T (transfer)

• type

• msg_type

• company

• item_number

• sku

• warehouse

• transaction_date

• transaction_time

• seq_nbr

• quantity

• inv_adj_type

• location

• transaction_code

To process a transfer from a warehouse management system, CWDirect needs to receive the "from" message and the corresponding "to" message.

R (receipt)

• type

• msg_type

• company

• item_number

• sku

• warehouse

• transaction_date

• transaction_time

• seq_nbr

• quantity

• inv_adj_type

• location

• transaction_code

• PO#

• po_ln_nbr

CWDirect processes this transaction as a PO receipt (inventory transaction type R) and uses the PO# and po_ln_nbr to identify which PO lines were received and the receipt quantities.

V (return to vendor)

• type

• msg_type

• company

• item_number

• sku

• warehouse

• transaction_date

• transaction_time

• seq_nbr

• quantity

• inv_adj_type

• location

• transaction_code

Optional value: VCB #

CWDirect does not create a vendor charge back.

P (physical)

• type

• msg_type

• company

• item_number

• sku

• warehouse

• transaction_date

• transaction_time

• seq_nbr

• quantity

• inv_adj_type

• location

• transaction_code

CWDirect overlays the existing on hand quantity for the item/SKU, unless the on hand quantity will go below the reserved quantity.

O (on hand)

• type

• msg_type

• company

• item_number

• sku

• warehouse

• transaction_date

• transaction_time

• seq_nbr

• quantity

• inv_adj_type

• location

• transaction_code

CWDirect overlays the existing on hand quantity for the item/SKU, unless the on hand quantity will go below the reserved quantity.

M (make up)

• type

• msg_type

• company

• item_number

• sku

• warehouse

• transaction_date

• transaction_time

• seq_nbr

• quantity

• inv_adj_type

• location

• transaction_code

CWDirect validates that the item is a finished good item. CWDirect increases the on hand quantity for the finished good item and decreases the on hand quantity for each component item related to the finished good.

user defined transaction code

• type

• msg_type

• company

• item_number

• sku

• warehouse

• transaction_date

• transaction_time

• seq_nbr

• quantity

• inv_adj_type

• location

• transaction_code

CWDirect processes this transaction as an adjustment transaction.

Work with WMS PIX Errors Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WWPE in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with WMS PIX Errors from a menu.

PKX0190 DISPLAY Work with WMS PIX Errors 7/02/01 16:30:01


Opt Cmp Error Item COLO STYL SIZE Whs Trans Trans Error Reason

Date Date Code


Type options, press Enter.

4=Delete 5=Display

914 6/07/01 DAWN1 1 6/07/01 Transaction code n

914 6/07/01 1 Invalid Item/SKU.

914 6/07/01 1 Invalid Item/SKU.

914 6/07/01 1 Invalid Item/SKU.

914 6/07/01 1 6/07/01 Invalid Item/SKU.

914 6/07/01 1 6/07/01 Invalid Item/SKU.

914 6/07/01 1 6/07/01 Invalid Item/SKU.

914 6/07/01 43 Invalid Warehouse

914 6/07/01 0 Whse not entered.

914 6/07/01 1 PO Number is not e

914 6/07/01 1 Invalid PO Number.


F3=Exit F12=Cancel F21=Print List




Cmp (company)

The CWDirect company where the WMS PIX inventory transaction error occurred.

When you first advance to this screen, CWDirect positions you to the company you are currently in.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Error date

The date the WMS PIX inventory transaction error occurred.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.


The item on which the inventory transaction was performed.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The SKU for the item on which the inventory transaction was performed.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (Full SKU) or three 4-position fields (Split SKU); optional.


The CWDirect warehouse where the transaction error occurred.

Alphanumeric 3 positions; optional.

Trans date

The date the WMS PIX inventory transaction error was created.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Trans code

The transaction code associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction. The transaction code represents the type of inventory transaction, such as an adjustment or transfer, to be performed.

Alphanumeric, 1 positions; optional.

Error reason

A description of the error that is associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction. See PIX ASYNC Errors.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Delete a WMS PIX inventory transaction that contains errors

Enter 4 next to the WMS PIX inventory transaction to delete it.

Display a WMS PIX inventory transaction that contains errors

Enter 5 next to a PIX inventory transaction to advance to the Display WMS PIX Errors Screen.

Display WMS PIX Errors Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the details of a WMS PIX transaction error record. You cannot change any information on this screen.

How to display this screen: Enter 5 next to a PIX transaction error at the Work with WMS PIX Errors Screen.

PKX0191 DISPLAY Display WMS PIX Error 7/02/01 17:04:37


Error Date/Time . : 6/06/01 14:47:13 Company : 50

Item#/SKU . . . . : V19ITEM EGG LRGE AA

Transaction Code : Inventory Adjustment Type : A

Transaction Qty . : 4

Whs/Location . . : 2 A010101

Trans Date/Time . : 6/06/01 13:32:08 Act Date/Time . : 6/06/01 14:47:13

Error Reason . . : Transaction code not entered.

Cost . . . . . . : 11.9100 Price :

G/L account # . . : User :

Transaction Reason: Item Trans Hist Btch#/ID: 1234567 / TRANSID123

Trans#: 12345 To Company: To Whs: To Location:

Order#: Ship To#: Ord Dtl Seq#: Inv#: IDT Ln#:

Ctl#: LPN#: PO#: PO Seq#: VCB#:

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




Error date/time

The date and time when the WMS PIX inventory transaction error occurred.

Date: Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Time: Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS format); display-only.


The CWDirect company where the WMS PIX inventory transaction error occurred.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Item #/SKU

The item and SKU on which the inventory transaction was performed.

Item: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU: Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (Full SKU) or three 4-position fields (Split SKU); display-only.

Transaction code

The transaction code associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction. The transaction code represents the type of inventory transaction, such as an adjustment or transfer, to be performed.

Alphanumeric, 1 positions; display-only.

Inventory adjustment type

Indicates if the inventory adjustment is an increase in inventory (A) or a decrease in inventory (S).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Transaction qty

The quantity of the item that is in error as a result of the inventory transaction.

This may be the on hand quantity that is below the reserved quantity.


On hand quantity = 100

Reserved quantity = 80

You perform an inventory transaction that reduces the on hand quantity by 40 units.

On hand quantity after transaction = 60

Reserved quantity after transaction = 80

On hand quantity below reserved quantity = 20 (this is the quantity that is in error)

Numeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The CWDirect warehouse and location that contains the quantity in error.

Warehouse: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Location: Alphanumeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Trans date/time

The date and time when the WMS PIX inventory transaction occurred.

Date: Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Time: Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS format); display-only.

Act date/time

The date and time when the WMS PIX inventory transaction error occurred.

Date: Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Time: Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Error reason

A description of the error that is associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction. See PIX ASYNC Errors.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.


The cost of the item associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction in error.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only.


The price of the item associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction in error.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

G/L account #

The general ledger account number associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction in error.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only.


The user ID of the person associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction in error.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Transaction reason

The inventory transaction reason code associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction in error.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Item trans hist batch #/ID

The item transaction history batch number and item transaction history ID associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction error.

Item transaction history batch #: Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Item transaction history ID: Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Trans #

The transaction number associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction error.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

To company

The CWDirect company where the WMS PIX inventory transaction was to occur.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

To whs

The CWDirect warehouse where the WMS PIX inventory transaction was to occur.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

To location

The CWDirect location where the WMS PIX inventory transaction was to occur.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Order #

The order number associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction error.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Ship to #

The ship to number associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction error.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Ord dtl seq #

The order detail sequence number associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction error.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Inv #

The invoice number associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction error.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

IDT ln #

The invoice detail line number associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction error.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Ctl #

The control number associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction error.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The LPN number associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction error.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

PO #

The purchase order number associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction error.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

PO seq #

The purchase order sequence number associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction error.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


The vendor charge back number associated with the WMS PIX inventory transaction error.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

WH13_22 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN