Store Restock Generation - Restock Summary Report

Use this report to review the stores the were eligible for restock, the order number assigned to the restock order for each store, and the total number of items and units needed for restock. This report sorts in store number sequence.

How to print: Complete the Submit Store Restock Screen.

CWDirect Rel 3.5 Store Restock Generation KLETENDRE FLR0854 6/01/99 11:34:59 Page 1

Restock Summary


Store Description Order # Total Total

Items Units


101 RETAIL STORE - WAREHOUSE 101 3624 1 50

102 RETAIL WAREHOUSE 102 3625 2 60


• Store number

• Store description

• Order number (the system assigns the next available order number to the restock order)

• Total number of items in need of restock (if an item displays on the restock order more than once, for example, the item was included as part of regular restock and was also included as a store add-on, the system counts the each time)

• Total units in need of restock (the total units is across all items in need of restock; this total also includes store add-on request items that were automatically canceled)

WH15_08r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN