Store Add-on Request Backorder Report

Use this report to review the add-on request items on the restock order that are completely backordered in the From warehouse or were immediately canceled when the order line was created. The system immediately cancels a store add-on request order detail line if the Exclude store restock field for the item is set to Y.

The system prints a separate report for each retail store. This report is faxed to the store using Fast Fax, if the Fax reports field for the store is set to Y.

This report sorts in store/order number/item number sequence.

How to print: Complete the Submit Store Restock Screen.

CWDirect Rel 3.5 Store Add-on Request KLETENDRE FLR0865 6/14/99 14:35:44 Page 1

Backorder Report



Order # Order Date Qty Qty Item Number SKU Item Description Rtl Excl

Ord B/O Cat

3688 6/14/99 10 10 BADGER BIG OLD BADGER


• Store number and description

• Order number

• The date the order was created

• Quantity ordered (this is the store add-on requested quantity)

• Quantity backordered

• Item number

• SKU code

• Item description (only the first 20 positions display)

• Retail category (this field represents User field 4 in the SKU file)

• Excluded (this field identifies whether the Exclude store restock field for the item is set to Y)

WH15_08r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN