Order Batch Listing Report

Use this report to review the batch number assigned to the error-free orders that were created during the actual retail store restock, the order number for the order created for each eligible store in need of restock, and order information for each order, such as the sold to customer and the source code. The orders that display on this report are in an open or held status.

How to print: Complete the Submit Store Restock Screen.

CWDirect Rel 3.5 Order Batch Listing KLETENDRE OER0751 6/01/99 11:35:03 Page 1


Batch # 77

Order # Rcps Ord Date Ent Date Entered By Typ Source Sold To # Name Order Total Paid

3623 1 6/01/99 6/01/99 KLETENDRE R SOURCEA 62 RETAIL WAREHOUSE 60 .00

3624 1 6/01/99 6/01/99 KLETENDRE R SOURCEA 38 RETAIL WAREHOUSE 101 .00

3625 1 6/01/99 6/01/99 KLETENDRE R SOURCEA 152 RETAIL WAREHOUSE 102 .00

Batch #: 77 Total # orders: 3 Total order value: Total paid:

Contents: See Order Entry Accepting or Rejecting the Batch for more information on this report.

WH15_08r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN