Customer API Report: Customers Ineligible for Purge

How to print: Complete the Print Customer API Reports Screen with the Print customers ineligible for purge flag set to Y.

CWDirect Rel 8.5 Customer API Report EKAPLAN IXR0045 9/09/04 9:28:58 Page 1

EZK Mail Order

Customers Ineligible For Purge

Date Time Act Customer# Alternate# Name

9/09/04 9:22:15 D 612 000234567890 Orders exist for customer

9/09/04 9:23:05 D 4 000012345678 Orders exist for customer

9/09/04 10:30:12 D 99999 000009876543 No match found

9/09/04 10:34:11 D 1159 000000034343 Ship to on existing order

9/09/04 10:36:58 D 1154 222222222222 Customer history exists

Contents: For each customer API Delete request that is currently in I (ineligible for deletion) status:

Date that the Delete request was received by the CUSTOMER_IN process.

Time that the Delete request was received by the CUSTOMER_IN process.

Act (Action): Always D (Delete request)

Customer#: The cst_cust_nbr indicated in the Inbound Customer Message (CWCustomerIn), or selected based on the alternate customer number.

Alternate#: The cst_interface_cust_nbr indicated in the Inbound Customer Message (CWCustomerIn).

Name: The name (including the cst_fname, cst_minitial, cst_lname, cst_company_name) from the Inbound Customer Message (CWCustomerIn)

Reason. Possible reasons are:

No Match Found. The cst_cust_nbr specified in the Delete request does not exist. The system does not assign this reason code if the Delete request specified a cst_interface_cust_nbr, and the system could not find a matching customer.

Orders Exist for Customer. The Delete request specified a customer sold to on one or more existing orders.

Ship to on Existing Order. The Delete request specified a customer who is the recipient on one or more existing orders.

History Exists. The Delete request specified a customer who has one or more Customer Sold To Order History records. The system does not put the order in error status if the customer has a record in the Order Billing History file but not the Customer Sold To Order History file.

Note: This report lists Delete requests only if their status is I (ineligible for deletion). Delete requests in error because the system is unable to identify the customer are in E status, and are not included in this report; however, they are included in the Customer API Report: Customers In Error.

Working with Delete requests in I status: You will not be able to process these deletions; instead, you can delete the Delete requests at the Work with Customer API Screen.

CS03_24r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN