Deposit Proof Listing

How to print: This report prints only when you use the separate (Prestige) process for foreign currency. Unlike the Deposit Proof Listing By Pay Type, this report does not include any information related to pay plans, because you cannot process pay plan deposits with the Prestige deposit process. See Sending Deposits. This report also sorts and page breaks differently from the Deposit Proof Listing By Pay Type.

CWDirect Rel 3.0 Deposit Proof Listing EKAPLAN AAR0135 8/26/98 16:04:48 Page 1

Auth Service: PRE

Order # Inv # Trans Pay Type Credit Card # Exp Dt Auth# Auth Date Deposit Amt For Curr Currency Curr Code

4784 3296 *PURCH 82 PAYTYPE 82 ********4234 01 / 99 123456 98/08/26 51.94 .00 .0000000 USA

4785 3297 *PURCH 82 PAYTYPE 82 ********SFASFD 06 / 99 098765 98/08/26 108.90 .00 .0000000 USA

4786 3298 *PURCH 82 PAYTYPE 82 ********09870987 12 / 99 234567 98/08/26 16.68 16.68 1.0000000 USA

Auth Service Code: PRE Total . . . : 177.52 16.68


• the code and description of the deposit service (Auth Service) to settle the deposits, as defined in the Pay Type file

• for each deposit:

• order number

• invoice number

• type of transaction (*PURCH = purchase; *RETURN = return)

• credit card pay type code and description

• credit card number. If you do not have authority to the Display Full Credit Card Number (B14) secured feature, the credit card number displays in the format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the associated pay type. For example, ************1443 may display instead of the entire credit card number. See Credit Card Number Format for an overview. If you use Credit Card Tokenization, the number may be a token rather than the actual credit card number.

• credit card expiration date

• credit card authorization number from pick slip generation, or the number entered in order entry or order maintenance for a manual authorization

• credit card authorization date (YY/MM/DD format)

• transaction amount (positive amounts represent deposits; negative amounts represent credit card credits)

• the amount of the transaction in the foreign currency

• the currency conversion rate used

• currency code

• totals (net of deposits minus credits) for the authorization service in both currencies

See Netting Credits for Pay Plan Orders for more information on how credit amounts are calculated for deferred or installment returns.

SO07_01r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN