3 Synopsis for Android

How do I load data from a spreadsheet?

  1. Ensure that the data file (such as xls, xlsx, or csv) is available on your mobile device.
  2. Open the app.
    You see a list of projects.
  3. Tap Add icon available at the bottom of the Projects screen.
  4. Tap File Explorer Add icon.
  5. Select the location of your data file; for example, Dropbox.
  6. Select the data file.
The app opens, loads the file as a project, and presents the initial analysis as a visualization that contains numbers and text values.

How do I load data from a data set from Oracle Analytics Cloud?

  1. Ensure that you've subscribed to Oracle Analytics Cloud.
  2. Open the app.
    You see a list of projects.
  3. Tap Add icon available at the bottom of the Projects screen.
  4. Tap OAC Oracle Analytics Cloud icon.
  5. Enter the server information.
  6. Click connect button.
  7. Select a data set that you created on the cloud service.
The app loads the selected data set as a project and presents the initial analysis as a visualization that contains numbers and text values.

How do I load data from the Google Fit app?

  1. Open the app.
    You see a list of projects.
  2. Tap Add icon available at the bottom of the Projects screen.
  3. Tap Google Fit Google Fit app icon.
If the Google Fit app isn't installed on the device, you're prompted to install it (a one-time installation). If the Google Fit app is installed on the Android device, then the app asks you to allow access to your fitness data. If you allow, then it loads the Google Fit data as a project and presents the initial analysis as a visualization that contains numbers and text values.

How do I load data from an image of a table?

  1. Open the app.
    You see a list of projects.
  2. Tap Add icon available at the bottom of the Projects screen.
  3. Tap Lens lens icon.
  4. Point the device camera at a table of data.
  5. Optionally, click Enable chart icon to enable the augmented reality chart mode that creates a chart over the data in the table.
  6. On the device, click the button that increases volume to import the data from the table.
The app loads the selected data as a project and presents the initial analysis as a visualization that contains numbers and text values.

How do I change the format of the loaded data?

  1. Tap the initial visualization to view the analysis data as a list of number cards.
  2. Slide the number card toward your right.
  3. Select the format options. You can format the number with a currency symbol, the number of decimal places, and a number separator. Optionally, you can format the number as a percent.


    If you select percent, then you can evaluate the value as a percentage of the total numbers.
    You see the modified format.
  4. Slide the card to the left to close the format options.
  5. Optionally, use Down arrow icon on the required number card to view the data as a sum, average, or count.
  6. In tablets that are 7 inches or larger, tap Edit icon available for the selected number card to change the format of the numbers.

How do I change the data type in the app?

  1. Tap the project.
    You see the list of number cards.
  2. Tap Settings icon.
  3. Tap, hold, and drag a value in a number column to a text column to convert that value to text.


    You cannot reverse this change. You can only move the number to text, but not the other way around.
  4. Tap on the items to show or hide them.
  5. Enable Edit column labels, if you want to change the item label name.
  6. Tap Apply.

How do I select specific data for analysis?

  1. Tap a number card.
    You see the charts for the selected number and its available text values. For example, in a chart, you might see product names as text values that each have a corresponding manufacturing price in the form of a number.
  2. Tap the chart for the selected number and required text value.
  3. Tap Floating Action button to modify the chart.
  4. Select the required numbers and text.
  5. Optionally, tap Filter icon to filter the numbers and text values to use in the analysis.
  6. Tap Color Palette icon to add more than one text element to a bar chart.
  7. Tap Apply.
    Based on the data selected, you see the analysis in a chart that is appropriate for that data.

How do I add a new calculated numeric column in a data file?

  1. Tap the project.
    You see the list of number cards.
  2. Tap Add icon. You see the numeric columns available in the data file and the options to perform basic mathematical calculations; for example, Addition icon, Subtraction icon. You can swipe Number pad icon to open the numeric keypad to perform complex mathematical calculations.
  3. Select the columns and the mathematical operation that you want to perform; for example, select Sales and Cost numeric columns; then select Subtraction icon.
  4. Tap Select icon and name the new column, for example, Profit.
The app adds the new Profit column with the calculated profit values to the list of number cards.

How can I view insights about a chart?

  1. Tap a project.
    You see the list of number cards.
  2. Tap a number card.
    You see the charts for the selected number and its available text values.
  3. Tap a chart.
  4. Tap Chart Insight icon.
    You see insights about the data in the chart based on logic and common sense. Use this machine learning for a predictive analysis of the data in the chart.

How can I view insights about a project?

  1. Tap a project.
    You see the list of number cards.
  2. Tap Project Insight icon.
    You see insights about the data in the project based on logic and common sense. Use this machine learning for a predictive analysis of the data in the project.

How do I merge charts in a project?

  1. Tap a project.
    You see the list of number cards.
  2. Tap a number card; for example, Units Sold.
    You see the various Units Sold charts such as Units Sold by Segments and Units Sold by Country.
  3. Tap, hold, drag, and drop one chart on top of another to merge the two charts.


    Prior to merge, you can predict if the merge will be successful. If a merge is going to be successful, then you see a green background color for the drop target; else, you see a red background color for the drop target.
    You see a new combination chart to work with like other charts.

How do I merge multiple projects?

You can only merge two projects that share the exact same structure; for example, projects that are based on the same spreadsheet. Prior to merge, you can predict if the merge will be successful. If a merge is going to be successful, then you see a green background color for the drop target; else, you see a red background color for the drop target.

Tap, hold, drag, and drop one project on top of another to merge data of the two projects; for example, projects such as Order Activity of 2017 and Order Activity of 2016. You see a new project that you can work on like other projects.

How do I rename a project?

  1. Tap the project to open it.


    You can't rename projects when using a tablet.
  2. Tap Edit icon beside the project name.
  3. Change the name and subtitle as required.
  4. Tap Save.

How do I delete a project?

  1. Swipe left to right on the project.

  2. Use Undo to reverse the delete action.

How do I back up the project data?

  1. Open the app.
    You see a list of projects.
  2. Tap More Options icon next to Projects.
  3. SelectSettings.
  4. Select Backups.
    The app connects to your Google drive.
  5. Select Backup button.
    The app backs up the projects and configuration data to your Google drive.

How do I restore the project data?

  1. Open the app.
    You see a list of projects.
  2. Tap More Options icon next to Projects.
  3. SelectSettings.
  4. Select Backups.
    The app connects to your Google drive.
  5. Select Restore button adjacent to the desired time-stamped backed-up data.

How do I change the initial visualization provided by the app?

  1. Tap a number card.
    You see the charts for the selected number and its available text values. For example, in a chart, you might see product names as text values that each have a corresponding manufacturing price in the form of a number.
  2. Tap the chart whose type you want to change.
  3. Tap Floating Action button.
  4. Tap Charts to modify the chart type.
  5. Select a chart type. Tap Choose For Me if you want the app to display the data in an appropriate chart type.

How do I share the analysis?

  1. Tap a number card.
    You see the charts for the selected number (for example, units sold) and the available text values (for example, country, region, segment).
  2. Tap Share icon beside the chart that you want to share. For example, you might want to share the chart called Units Sold by Country.
  3. Select the app you want to share with.

How do I export the project?

  1. Tap More Options icon.
  2. Tap Export Project.
  3. Select the destination folder on your device.
  4. If required, tap Add Destination icon to create a new folder.
  5. Tap OK.