Namespace: wscFlash

wsc_flash. wscFlash

WebRTC Session Controller Flash Plug-in


FlashMediaStream(type, url, audioCodec, videoCodec, streamName, bLocal)

Creates a custom flash media stream.

Name Type Description
type string

'flash' type media stream

url string

RTMP url

audioCodec string

Audio codec, example 'pcmu'

videoCodec string

Video codec, example 'h264'

streamName string

Stream name

bLocal boolean

true or false for local stream


Creates a custom flash media stream track.


Performs flash extension initialization. Check for Adobe Flash SWF Object support. if swfobject is downloaded, configured to use Flash media, wire our media functions into the rtcHelper. Also extends the call object and the call package.

Oracle® Communications WebRTC Session Controller Javascript API Reference, E69512-02
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