Class Name




The AvailableShippingMethods servlet bean displays available shipping methods for a particular shipping group. The class’s service method calls into ShippingPricingEngine’s getAvailableMethods method to return a list of Strings representing the shipping methods. These shipping methods correspond to the shippingMethod property of the HardgoodShippingGroup order class.

Input Parameters

shippingGroup (Required)
The ShippingGroup to be shipped.

A collection of shipping pricing models. If this parameter is null, then the session-scoped PricingModelHolder is resolved and the collection is retrieved. The path to the PricingModelHolder component is configured through the userPricingModelsPath property of the AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet.

The RepositoryItem that represents the customer requesting the shipping methods. If this parameter is null, then the session-scoped Profile is resolved. The path to the Profile component is configured through the profilePath property of the AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet.

The locale of the customer requesting the shipping methods. This parameter may be either a java.util.Locale object or a String that represents a locale. If this parameter is not found, then by default the locale is retrieved from the request. If this locale cannot be determined, then the default locale for this component is used.

Output Parameters

A list of Strings representing the shipping methods, which can be used for setting a shippingMethod value in a HardgoodShippingGroup.

Open Parameters

An oparam that includes the availableShippingMethods parameter.


The following example uses the AvailableShippingMethods servlet bean to provide a select box of available shipping methods that are bound to the shippingMethod property of the first shipping group.

<dsp:droplet name="/atg/commerce/pricing/AvailableShippingMethods">
<dsp:param bean="ShoppingCartModifier.shippingGroup" name="shippingGroup"/>
<dsp:oparam name="output">
 <dsp:select bean="ShoppingCartModifier.shippingGroup.shippingMethod">
 <dsp:droplet name="ForEach">
 <dsp:param param="availableShippingMethods" name="array"/>
 <dsp:param value="method" name="elementName"/>
 <dsp:oparam name="output">
   <dsp:getvalueof id="option16" param="method" idtype="java.lang.String">
<dsp:option value="<%=option16%>"/>
</dsp:getvalueof><dsp:valueof param="method"/>

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