B Reporting Problems

If a problem in encountered with VSM GUI, open a Service Request to Oracle.

Describe the problem and provide a screen shot if possible, attached to the Service Request.

Collect diagnostic logs from the VSM GUI application server, and attach them to the Service Request.

To gather diagnostic logs, run the following command from a terminal on the VSM GUI application server:

vsmgui@vsmguisvr:~$ /opt/vsmgui/scripts/vsmGui_getlogs.sh

The generated log file can be found in /opt/vsmgui/logs/archive/.

For example:

vsmgui@vsmguisvr:~$ /opt/vsmgui/scripts/vsmGui_getlogs.sh

[ Feb 6 14:01:11 INFO: vsmGui_getlogs.sh: stage log files... ]

[ Feb 6 14:01:12 INFO: vsmGui_getlogs.sh: tar log files... ]

[ Feb 6 14:01:17 INFO: vsmGui_getlogs.sh: VSMGUI_LOGS-020615_140112.tar.gz log file is available in /opt/vsmgui/log/archive ]