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Oracle® VM Server for SPARC 3.4 Reference Manual

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Updated: September 2016

ovmtdeploy (1M)


ovmtdeploy - deploy Oracle VM for SPARC templates


/opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtdeploy -d domain-name[,domain-name]... [-b] [-C core[,core]...]
  [-c vcpu[,vcpu]...] [-D] [-E vnet[:option=value][,vnet[:option=value]]...]
  [-e nic[,nic]...] [-I bus[,bus]...] [-k] [-l]
  [-M start-addr:size[,start-addr:size]...] [-m size[,size]...] [-N number-of-domains] [-n]
  [-o directory] [-p] [-P] [-q] [-S] [-s] [-t vsw[:option=value][,vsw[:option=value]]...]
  [-v dev:option=value[,dev]...] -x template-name 

/opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtdeploy [-q] -U domain-name


The ovmtdeploy command reads the contents of a template and creates one or more a fully operational logical domain.

You must run this command as superuser from a directory that has adequate space and is writeable by root.

You must specify the name of the logical domain to create by using the –d option. By default, the name is taken from the template .ovf file name. You can specify additional names to override the default. To specify multiple copies of the template, use the –N option. If multiple copies of the template exist, each name is affixed with an integer suffix to the base name. For example, OVM_SOL11_SPARC would become OVM_SOL11_SPARC_1.

You must also specify the path to the template (.ova), template-name. This file must be an OVF 1.0 archive that contains disk images formatted for use by SPARC systems.

The ovmtdeploy command verifies that the destination devices have sufficient space prior to template deployment. The command exits with an error if insufficient space is available.

The ovmtdeploy command has the following options:


Skips the bind step.

–c vcpu[,vcpu]...

Overrides the setting for the number of virtual CPUs specified in the template file (.ovf). The number of overriding virtual CPUs must match the number of logical domains.

–C core-ID[,core-ID]...

Assigns the specified named cores to the domain. core-ID can be a number or a range. For example, –C 4,5,8-16.

The –C option is mutually exclusive with the –c and –N options.

–e nic[,nic]...

Specifies the network adapters to use for the virtual network switches that are required for this template. This option determines which primary domain interfaces are used by virtual switches to connect to guest domain network interfaces.

You can use the –t option to override and assign more interfaces that the domain has.

You must use the –e option when you use the –t option to specify virtual switches that do not exist in the system or when the template describes virtual switches that are not in the control domain.

[-E vnet[:option=value][,vnet[:option=value]]...]

Overrides the virtual network interface entries that are specified in the .ovf file.

    option can be one of the following device options:

  • pvid=port-VLAN-ID specifies the VLAN to which the virtual network device needs to be a member in untagged mode.

  • vid=VLAN-ID specifies one or more VLANs to which a virtual network device needs to be a member in tagged mode.


Shows the usage message. Same as the –H option.

–I bus[,bus]...

Adds the specified bus, PCIe device, or SR-IOV virtual function to the domain.

The –I option is mutually exclusive with the –v, –C, –M, and –N options.


Skips checksum verification. Do not use this option when deploying a template for the first time or when the template is from an unknown source. If you have already checked the integrity of a template and it remains under your control, you can use this option when subsequently deploying that template.


Lists the contents of the template without deploying. This option provides a description of both the contents and topology of the domains that are included in the template.

–m size[,size]...

Overrides the memory size specified in the template file (.ovf). The number of overriding sizes must match the number of logical domains. size is the amount of memory plus a unit. The unit is m for megabytes or g for gigabytes.

–M start-addr:size[,start-addr:size]...

Assigns the specified named memory blocks to the domain. start-addr is the starting address of the memory block in hexadecimal or decimal. If start-addr is hexadecimal, the address should use the 0x prefix. If start-addr is decimal, the address should be followed by G. size is the amount of memory followed by G. For example, –M 128G:8G or –M 0x80000000000:20G.

The –M option is mutually exclusive with the –m and –N options.


Performs a dry run by listing the deployment, rollback, or uninstall commands.

–N num-of-ldoms

Creates multiple logical domains (num-of-ldoms) from a single template. In this case the domain name includes an integer suffix that is incremented from 0. This name is also used by the deployment directory, for example, dest-dir/OVM_SOL11_SPARC_1.

The –N option is mutually exclusive with the –v, –C, –I, and –M options.

–o dest-dir

Specifies the full path to the UFS or ZFS file system directory in which to copy the template components. This directory must exist, be writable and have sufficient available space. If this directory is not specified, the current working directory is used. The deployment directory of the template name is created below this directory. For example, dest-dir/OVM_SOL11_SPARC.


Same as the –l option and outputs fully qualified template property names.


Same as the –p option and outputs description, type, and value information for template properties.


Redirects output to a file in the current working directory.


Skips the start step.


Saves a domain configuration file to the SP after a successful deployment.

[-t vsw[:option=value][,vsw[:option=value]]...]

Overrides the virtual switch entries that are specified in the .ovf file.

    option can be one of the following device options:

  • pvid=port-VLAN-ID specifies the VLAN to which the virtual network device needs to be a member in untagged mode.

  • vid=VLAN-ID specifies one or more VLANs to which a virtual network device needs to be a member in tagged mode.

–U domain-name

Run uninstall commands for the specified domain.

–v dev

Specifies a comma-separated list of target devices, directories, or both. You can specify the following target devices:

  • Raw disk device, such as /dev/rdsk/c3t3d0s2

  • iSCSI device, such as /dev/rdsk/c0t600144F00021283C1D7A53609BE10001d0s2

  • ZFS volume, such as /dev/zvol/rdsk/ovmt/domain

  • Directory

Note that a target device on a slice and a target device on a block device are not supported.

After the device name, dev, you can specify any of the following properties in a comma-separated list:

  • mpgroup=group-name for multipath groups

  • timeout=seconds for the virtual disk timeout

  • option=option for specifying related disk options, can also be opt=option

  • alt=path@VDS for specifying the alternate device path and virtual disk service (VDS) to dev. The device is added to the domain's mpgroup without validation by using the ldm add-vdsdev -q command. Also the VDS must exist. Only specify the alt property if you have specified the mpgroup property.

For example, –v /dev/rdsk/c3t3d0s2:mpgroup=mp1:timeout=30:option=excl.

The number of devices should match the number of virtual disks in the template.

You can add disk images in which case the number of target devices that you specify with –v must be greater than the number of disk images specified in the template. Also, you must specify the size of the file on the disk, which is created as a sparse file.

For example, –v /dev/rdsk/c3t2d0s2,/ovmt/NewDisk.img:size=16G.

The –v option is mutually exclusive with the –N option.


Does not expand the underlying disk to device extents during template deployment. By default, the deployment process expands the specified device or partition of the backend device to extents.


Example 1 Listing the Contents of the Template Without Deploying

This example shows how to list the contents of the OVM_SOL11_SPARC.ova template. This command does not perform the deployment.

primary# /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtdeploy -l OVM_SOL11_SPARC.ova
Example 2 Deploying to a Single Logical Domain

This example shows how to deploy the OVM_SOL11_SPARC.ova template in the $HOME/ovmt directory to the ldg1 domain.

primary# /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtdeploy -d ldg1 -o ~/ovmt OVM_SOL11_SPARC.ova
Example 3 Deploying to Multiple Domains and Overriding Settings

This example shows how to deploy to two domains with the $HOME/ovmt/OVMSOL11_SPARC.ova template. The command-line options specified override the memory and core settings in the template to use cores 8 and 16 and to use 8 Gbytes of memory and 16 Gbytes of memory, respectively.

primary# /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtdeploy -N 2 -c 8,16 -m 8g,16g -o ~/ovmt OVM_SOL11_SPARC.ova
Example 4 Uninstalling a Deployed Domain

This example shows how to uninstall OVM_SOL11_SPARC_1 based on the OVM_SOL11_SPARC.ova template.

primary# /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtdeploy -U OVM_SOL11_SPARC_1 OVM_SOL11_SPARC.ova

Exit Status

The following exit values are returned:


Successful deployment.


Command prerequisites are not met.


A runtime error occurred.


See the attributes(5) man page for a description of the following attributes.

Attribute Type
Attribute Value
Interface Stability

See Also

ovmtadm(1M), ovmtconfig(1M), ovmtcreate(1M), ovmtlibrary(1M), ovmtprop(1M), attributes(5)

Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.4 Developer’s Guide