A Elastic Charging Engine Installer Screens

This appendix describes the information you need to provide for each screen when you install Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Elastic Charging Engine (ECE) in interactive mode for a complete installation type. You can also access the information in this appendix by clicking Help during installation.


This document does not substitute for ECE installation instructions. You should read all chapters in ECE Installation Guide in preparation for installing ECE, including "ECE System Requirements" for information you need to collect in preparation for installation, and "Installing Elastic Charging Engine" for installation procedures.

Select Installation Type

Select the installation type.

Option Description
Complete Installs Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Elastic Charging Engine (ECE) server, ECE SDK, and all BRM and Pricing Design Center (PDC) integration packs.
Standalone Installs a self-contained, nonproduction version of ECE that is not integrated with BRM or PDC. Use the stand-alone system for evaluation, demonstration, and functional testing.
Patchset Upgrades an existing system to the current version of ECE.
Custom Enables you to choose multiple components for installation.

Specify Home Details

Specify the name and location of the directory in which to install ECE.

Field Description
Name The name of the directory in which to install ECE. If the directory exists, it should be empty. If it does not exist, the installer creates it.
Path The full path to the directory in which to install ECE.

Select ECE Security Options

Select your preferred security configuration, such as whether to enable secure socket layer (SSL) configuration.

Based on the security configuration you select, ECE sets parameters in the relevant Oracle Coherence and ECE configuration files to enable the security levels specified.

Option Description
Security disabled Enables no security configurations.

(Single server installation only)

Security enabled without SSL Enables the following security configurations:
  • JMX security

  • Authorized hosts list

  • Coherence node authentication

Security enabled with SSL Enables the following security configurations:
  • SSL encryption

    (Impacts overall system performance)

  • JMX security

  • Authorized hosts list

  • Coherence node authentication

  • BRM SSL security authentication

  • PDC SSL security authentication

  • EM Gateway SSL security authentication

See BRM Elastic Charging Engine Security Guide for more information about each security option that can be enabled.

Config Data Details

Enter the path to the directory that contains configuration data (mediation specifications).

After installation, when you load data into ECE, the loading utility reads and loads configuration data from this directory.

For more information about configuration data, see the discussion about implementing ECE with BRM in BRM Elastic Charging Engine Implementation Guide.

Persistence Data Details

Enter the path to the directory into which the BrmCdrPluginDirect Plug-in will write call detail record (CDR) files of rated events.

This is the directory where the plug-in stores completed CDR files that are ready to be processed by BRM.

ECE Cluster Details

Enter information about the ECE cluster.

Field Description
User Name for Host Machines The user name you specified when you created the ECE user account prior to installation. All machines in the cluster must have the same user name.

Note: If you used the ece_provision script to provision your environment for an ECE installation, the user name for host machines you enter in the ECE Cluster Details screen must be the same user name you entered for the ECE_USER field in the ece_provision_config.sh file.

Java Heap Settings The memory to be allocated to each node in the ECE cluster.
Cluster Name The cluster name used by applications to identify ECE in the cluster.

The cluster name must be less than 32 characters.

Coherence Grid Security

Enter information about the machines allowed to be part of the Coherence cluster and the account alias information for Coherence cluster security.

For specifying trusted machines, you can enter a range of IP addresses, a list of IP addresses separated with a comma, or both.

Field Description
Host Details in Comma Separated Format The host names or IP addresses of all machines on which ECE nodes will reside. Separate each value with a comma.

Include your computer name in this field. Do not enter localhost or a loopback address.

Include all server machines across which the Coherence grid is deployed and any other machine that is to be part of the grid.

Note: (Linux) If you used the ece_provision script to provision your environment for an ECE installation, authorized host list information you enter in the Coherence Grid Security screen must be the same host information you entered for the HOST field in the ece_provision_config.sh file.

Host Details Range from IP Address The valid from address for the range of IP addresses in the subnet.

The from-to format of entering IP addresses is typically used for hosts that are in the same subnet.

Host Details Range to IP Address The valid to address for the range of IP addresses in the subnet.
Alias Name for Coherence Grid Security The account alias that defines the administrator for securing the Coherence cluster.
Password for the Alias The password used to access the cluster security key in the Coherence keystore (the ECE_home/oceceserver/config/server.jks file).

This is the password for Coherence cluster security.

You use this password when enabling SSL.

See the discussion about Coherence cluster security in BRM Elastic Charging Engine Security Guide for more information.

Oracle NoSQL Database Details

Enter the Oracle NoSQL database connection information, including the name of the NoSQL data store in which you want to persist ECE rated events.

Field Description
Host Name The host name or IP address of the Oracle NoSQL database.
Port Number The port of the Oracle NoSQL database service.
NoSQL Datastore Name (database name) The name of the Oracle NoSQL data store into which ECE will publish rated events.

Keystore Credentials

Enter the keystore credential information required for the ECE installation.

Field Description
Key Password for Boundary System Alias The password ECE uses to access the boundary system alias key in the (ECE_home/oceceserver/config/keystore.jks) file.

The boundary systems are BRM and PDC.

ECE uses a file-based keystore for encrypting passwords when required. The keystore.jks file stores cipher keys and is used for encrypting and managing the credentials of BRM and PDC (and other client applications), allowing them to access the cluster using encrypted passwords.

Certificate Store Password The password used to access the keystores.

This password is used to access both the Coherence grid security keystore and the boundary system keystore JKS files:

  • ECE_home/oceceserver/config/keystore.jks

  • ECE_home/oceceserver/config/server.jks

The server.jks file stores cipher keys used for Oracle Coherence cluster security (securing ECE cluster processes) and for enabling Secure Socket Layer (SSL). The server.jks file is a storage where cluster node credentials are stored and credentials are authenticated against.

The keystore.jks and server.jks files share the same key and store password.

DName The DName (Distinguished Name) is similar to a group in UNIX.






CN is the common name for the user.

OU is the organizational unit of the user.

O is the organization of the user.

The value set here (in creating the certificate) is used for authentication in the cluster and must be the same value used in the ECE_home/oceceserver/config/permissions.xml file, which is created after installation and used for authorization in the cluster.

You use the DName value when enabling SSL.

The DName value is used as a command line parameter for creating the server.jks keystore and the keystore.jks keystore.

See the discussion about keystores in BRM Elastic Charging Engine Security Guide for more information about keystore credentials information.

ECE Notification Queue Details

Enter the Java Message Service (JMS) credentials for the JMS server on which the ECE notification queue (JMS topic) is to reside.

ECE publishes notification events into this JMS queue (JMS topic), which external systems can use to obtain data for their own processing.

After you install ECE, you run a post-installation script that creates the JMS queue (JMS topic) on the server.

Field Description
Host Name The host name of the server on which the JMS queue (JMS topic) resides.
Port Number The port number on which the server resides.
User Name The user for logging in to the server.
Password The password for logging in to the server.
Connection Factory Name The connection factory name used to create connections to the JMS queue (JMS topic) on the server to which ECE publishes notification events.

After installing ECE, you run an ECE post-installation script that creates the JMS queue (JMS topic) on the server. The connection factory name entered here is used by the script to create connections to the JMS queue (JMS topic).

Topic Name The name of the JMS topic on the server to which ECE publishes notification events.

After installing ECE, you run a post-installation script that creates the JMS queue (JMS topic) on the server. The topic name entered here is the name the ECE post-installation script uses to create the JMS queue (JMS topic).

Suspense Queue Name The BRM Gateway suspense queue is created as part of post-install script in case of full installation.

In case of a patch-set release a new JMS suspense queue is configured manually in the WebLogic within the ECE JMS module.

ECE Notification Queue SSL Details

Enter secure socket layer (SSL) information required to connect to the Java Message Service (JMS) queue to which ECE publishes notification events.

Field or Option Description
Disable SSL When selected, specifies that SSL is not used to secure the ECE JMS queue connection.

If you select this option, do not enter values in the following fields.

Keystore password The password used to access the SSL keystore file.
Keystore location The full path to the SSL keystore file.

BRM Gateway Details

Enter the BRM Gateway connection details.

Field or Option Description
Host Name The IP address or the host name of the computer on which BRM is configured.
CM Port The port number for the BRM Connection Manager.
User Name The user name for logging in to BRM.
Password The password for logging in to BRM.
Disable SSL When selected, specifies that secure socket layer (SSL) is not used to encrypt communication between ECE and BRM through BRM Gateway.

If you select this option, do not change the value in the following field.

Wallet File Absolute Path The default path to the Oracle wallet file containing the SSL trusted certificates for BRM Gateway:

If SSL is enabled for BRM Gateway but the wallet is in a different location, replace the default path with the full path to the actual location.

External Manager (EM) Gateway Details

Enter the External Manager (EM) Gateway connection details.

Field or Option Description
Number EM Gateways The number of EM Gateway instances you want ECE to run automatically when you start EM Gateway.
Starting Port Number The port number assigned to EM Gateway.

If you have more than one EM Gateway instance, this is the starting port number. Subsequent port numbers increase by one for each additional EM Gateway instance. For example, if the starting port number is 15502 and you specify three EM Gateway instances, ports 15502, 15503, and 15504 are used by EM Gateway processes.

Ensure that no other processes on the machine use port numbers assigned to EM Gateway instances.

Disable SSL When selected, specifies that secure socket layer (SSL) is not used to encrypt communication between BRM and ECE through EM Gateway.

If you select this option, do not enter or change values in the following fields.

Client Authentication Disabled When selected, specifies that no authentication is performed to check whether EM Gateway is allowed to communicate with ECE.
Client wallet The default path to the Oracle wallet file containing the SSL trusted certificates for EM Gateway:

If SSL is enabled for EM Gateway but the wallet is in a different location, replace the default path with the full path to the actual location.

PDC Pricing Components Queue Details

Enter the system connection information of the server on which the JMS queue for PDC pricing component data resides.

PDC publishes pricing component data into this queue. ECE listens on this JMS queue to consume the pricing component data.

Field or Option Description
Host Name The IP address or the host name of the computer on which the PDC JMS queue to which PDC publishes the pricing data resides.
Port Number The port number of the computer on which the PDC JMS queue resides.
User Name The user for logging in to the server on which the PDC JMS queue resides.
Password The password for logging in to the server on which the PDC JMS queue resides.
Disable SSL When selected, specifies that secure socket layer (SSL) is not used to encrypt communication between BRM and PDC.

If you select this option, do not enter values in the following fields.

PDC Keystore Password The password used to access the SSL keystore file.
Keystore Path The full path to the SSL keystore file.

BRM Database Connection Details

Enter the BRM Database connection details:

Field Description
JDBC URL The following colon-separated values:


  • Driver is the driver used to connect to the BRM database.

  • HostName is the IP address or the host name of the computer on which the BRM database is configured.

  • Port is the port number assigned to the BRM database service.

  • ServiceName is name of the BRM database service.

For example:

User Name The BRM database schema user name.
Password The password for the BRM database user.
Queue Name The name of the Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) database queue that you created in the BRM system for the BRM Account Synchronization Data Manager (DM) to publish business events for ECE to consume.

ECE listens on this queue for loading update requests from BRM.

Suspense Queue Name The name of the Oracle AQ database queue to which ECE moves events for failed update requests for later reprocessing.

After installing ECE, you can use an ECE post-installation script to create this queue. When prompted by the script, enter the queue name you entered here.

Acknowledgement Queue Name The name of the Oracle AQ database queue to which ECE publishes acknowledgments for BRM.

For example, ECE uses this queue to send acknowledgment events to BRM during the rerating process, indicating that the process can start or finish.

After installing ECE, you can use an ECE post-installation script to create this queue. When prompted by the script, enter the queue name you entered here.

Diameter Gateway Details

Enter information that Diameter clients use to identify your Diameter Gateway server.

Field or Option Description
Skip When selected, specifies that Diameter Gateway is not started when ECE is started.

If you select this option, do not enter values in the following fields.

Origin Host The value for the Origin-Host attribute-value pair (AVP) to be sent in the Diameter request.

This is a unique identifier that you assign your Diameter Gateway server on its host. It can be any string value.

This value is used by the Diameter client to identify your Diameter Gateway server as the connecting Diameter peer that is the source of the Diameter message.

Origin Realm The value for the Origin-Realm AVP to be sent by the Diameter Gateway in outgoing Diameter requests.

This is the signaling realm (domain) that you assign your Diameter Gateway server.

This value is used by Diameter clients to identify your Diameter Gateway server as the source of the Diameter message.

The Diameter Gateway details you enter in this screen apply to one Diameter Gateway node instance that listens to all network interfaces for Diameter messages, which is suitable for basic testing directly after installation. For a distributed environment, you must add Diameter Gateway node instances to your topology and configure a unique network interface for each instance after installation.

For more information about how the Origin-Host and Origin-Realm AVPs can be specified, see Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Network Working Group RFC 3588 (Diameter Base Protocol).

The Diameter Gateway details you enter in this screen apply to a single instance (node) of a Diameter Gateway server that the installer adds to your ECE topology. You must add more Diameter Gateway nodes to your topology after installation. See the discussion about adding and configuring Diameter Gateway nodes for online charging in BRM Elastic Charging Engine Installation Guide for more information.

RADIUS Gateway Details

Enter information that RADIUS clients use to identify your RADIUS Gateway server.

Field or Option Description
Skip Specify whether RADIUS Gateway is started when ECE is started.
Name The name of the RADIUS Gateway instance.
Port The port number assigned to RADIUS Gateway.
Shared Secret The common password shared between your RADIUS Gateway server and Network Access Server (NAS). It is used by the RADIUS protocol for security. Each RADIUS Gateway instance must have a unique password in encrypted format.
Wallet Location The path to the Oracle wallet file containing SSL trusted certificates and the BRM root key for RADIUS Gateway.

The RADIUS Gateway details you enter in this screen apply to a single instance (node) of a RADIUS Gateway server that the installer adds to your ECE topology. You must add more RADIUS Gateway nodes to your topology after installation. See the discussion about adding and configuring RADIUS Gateway nodes for Authentication and Accounting in BRM Elastic Charging Engine Installation Guide for more information.

Third-Party Library Details

Enter the directory where you saved the JAR files required during the ECE installation process.

See the discussion about pre-installation tasks in BRM Elastic Charging Engine Installation Guide for information about required JAR files.

Existing ECE Installation Details

Enter the full path to the directory in which your current version of ECE is installed.