3 ECE System Requirements

This chapter describes the software, hardware, and information requirements for Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Elastic Charging Engine (ECE).

Software Requirements

This section describes the supported and required software.

Table 3-1 lists operating systems that support ECE.

Table 3-1 Supported Operating Systems

Product Version

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (64bit)

Important: To protect from security vulnerabilities, ensure you apply the latest critical patch updates. See "About Critical Patch Updates".

ECE is certified on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, 6, and 7; regularly apply the latest patch set for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, 6, and 7 to ensure that Red Hat Enterprise Linux has the latest security fixes.

5.0 (plus latest patch updates)

6.0 (plus latest patch updates)

7.0 (plus latest patch updates)

Oracle Linux (64bit)

Important: To protect from security vulnerabilities, ensure you apply the latest critical patch updates. See "About Critical Patch Updates".

ECE is certified on Oracle Linux 5, 6, 7 and you should regularly apply the latest patch set for Oracle Linux 5, 6, 7 to ensure that Oracle Linux has the latest security fixes.

5.0 (plus latest patch updates)

6.0 (plus latest patch updates)

7.0 (plus latest patch updates)

Oracle Solaris for SPARC (64bit)


From ECE 11.3 Patch Set 4:

11.x, where x is version 3 or later

Table 3-2 lists the required third-party software.

Table 3-2 Required Software

Product Version


  • For ECE 11.3:


  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 1 through ECE 11.3 Patch Set 3:


  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 4 through ECE 11.3 Patch Set 9:


Note: From ECE 11.3 Patch Set 3, Groovy is not provided as part of the ECE software package.

Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE), containing Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

(32bit or 64bit)

Important: To protect from security vulnerabilities, ensure you apply the latest critical patch updates. See "About Critical Patch Updates".

ECE is certified on JDK8 and you should regularly apply the latest patch set for JDK8 to ensure that JDK has the latest security fixes.


Oracle Coherence for Java libraries

The ECE 11.3 and ECE 11.3 patch set packages include only those Oracle Coherence libraries that are required by ECE (not all Oracle Coherence libraries); these libraries are installed as part of the ECE installation.

  • For ECE 11.3, ECE 11.3 Patch Set 1 and ECE 11.3 Patch Set 2:

  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 3:

  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 4:

  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 5 and ECE 11.3 Patch Set 6:

  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 7:

  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 8 and ECE 11.3 Patch Set 9:

Table 3-3 lists the additional products required for running ECE in an integrated, end-to-end test or production system. Network mediation software is required for ECE to communicate with network-facing applications of the charging system.

For a production system, Oracle recommends that you install the other products in the same system on which you install ECE and ensure that the other products use the same operating system as ECE. However, the other products can use different operating system for a test system.

Table 3-3 Required Products in an Integrated System

Product Version

Pricing Design Center (PDC)

  • For ECE 11.3:

    11.1 with Patch Set 8 (23021246)

  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 1:

    11.1 with Patch Set 8 (23021246) and the interim patch 24363238

  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 2:

    11.1 with Patch Set 8 (23021246) and the interim patch 25187795

  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 3:

    11.1 with Patch Set 9 (25655846)

  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 4:

    11.1 with Patch Set 10 (26420729)


  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 5:

    11.1 with Patch Set 11 (27145305)


  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 6:

    11.1 with Patch Set 11 (27145305)


  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 7:

    11.1 with Patch Set 12 (27531591)


  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 8:

    11.1 with Patch Set 12 (27531591)



  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 9:

    11.1 with Patch Set 12 (27531591)

    11.2 with Patch Set 1 (28738471)

    12.0 with Patch Set 1 (28630301)

Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Enterprise Edition

Note: Installing Oracle WebLogic Server 11g is a prerequisite for PDC 11.1. ECE also uses Oracle WebLogic Server in an integrated system.


Oracle WebLogic Server 12c R2 Enterprise Edition

Note: Installing Oracle WebLogic Server 12c R2 is a prerequisite for PDC 12.0. ECE also uses Oracle WebLogic Server in an integrated system.

Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM)

  • For ECE 11.3:

    7.5 with Patch Set 15 (22738803)

  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 1 and ECE 11.3 Patch Set 2:

    7.5 with Patch Set 16 (24383183)

  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 3:

    7.5 with Patch Set 17 (25101805) and the interim patch 25839300

    7.5 with Patch Set 18 (25596735)

  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 4:

    7.5 with Patch Set 18 (25596735)


  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 5 through ECE 11.3 Patch Set 7:

    7.5 with Patch Set 20 (26940838)


  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 8:

    7.5 with Patch Set 20 (26940838)

    7.5 with Patch Set 21 (27603295)


  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 9:

    7.5 with Patch Set 22 (28377280)

    12.0 with Patch Set 1 (28630668)

Oracle Communications Offline Mediation Controller

ECE supports Offline Mediation Controller on Linux x86 or x86-64 or Solaris SPARC (64bit).

  • For ECE 11.3: with ECE distribution cartridge

  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 1 through ECE 11.3 Patch Set 3: with ECE distribution cartridge

  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 4 through ECE 11.3 Patch Set 8: with ECE distribution cartridge

    12.0 with 12.0 ECE distribution cartridge

  • For ECE 11.3 Patch Set 9: with ECE distribution cartridge

    12.0 Patch Set 1 with 12.0 Patch Set 1 ECE distribution cartridge

Oracle NoSQL Database Enterprise Edition

12cR1 (

Table 3-4 lists optional software products.

Table 3-4 Optional Products

Product Version

Oracle Application Management Pack for Oracle Communications (for monitoring ECE nodes)

About Critical Patch Updates

You should install all critical patch updates as soon as possible. To download critical patch updates, find out about security alerts, and enable email notifications about critical patch updates, see the Security topic on Oracle Technology Network:


Hardware Requirements

The number and configuration of the computers that you employ for your ECE installation depend on the scale and the kind of deployment you have planned according to your charging requirements. Work with your performance team to determine your sizing requirements.

For a standalone system, ECE requires:

  • 4 GB of RAM (or more)

  • 200 MB of disk space (or more)

  • 2 x86 cores (or more)

Information Requirements

This section describes the information that you must provide during the ECE installation. You define some of these values when you install and configure BRM, PDC, Oracle NoSQL Database, and Oracle WebLogic Server for PDC.


Oracle recommends that you print the tables in this section and record the values for future reference.

Certain information is required for both an ECE standalone installation and an ECE integrated installation. See "Information Requirements for Standalone and Integrated Installations".

Additional information is required for an integrated installation. See "Information Required Only for an ECE Integrated Installation".

For more information about standalone and integrated installations, see "Overview of ECE Installed Components".


This section describes information that you must provide during the ECE installation process for predefined values. For a preview of all required information, including values that you set during installation, see "Elastic Charging Engine Installer Screens".

Information Requirements for Standalone and Integrated Installations

This section describes the information requirements common to both an ECE standalone installation and an ECE integrated installation.

Persistence Data Details

During the installation, you must specify the path to the directory into which the ECE Rated Event Formatter Plug-in will write call detail record (CDR) files of rated events.

This is the directory where the plug-in stores completed CDR files that are ready to be processed by BRM.

Required Information for Machines in the Coherence Cluster

Table 3-5 lists the information requirements for the machines in the Coherence cluster.

If convenient, you can use the Value column of the table to note the values for your specific installation so that you have them available when you run the ECE installer.

Table 3-5 Information for Machines in the Coherence Cluster

Information Type Description Value

User name

The user name for all machines in the cluster. You create this user and specify the user name as a pre-installation task.

All machines must have the same user name.

Tip: Along with same user name, all the servers must also allow password-less SSH login for the driver machine user.


Java heap settings

The memory to be allocated to each node in the Coherence cluster.


Cluster name

The Coherence cluster name used by applications for identifying ECE in the cluster.

The cluster name must be less than 32 characters.


Host names or IP addresses

The names or the IP addresses of all host machines on which ECE nodes will reside.

This information is required only if you enable security-related configurations during the installation with or without Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

Include your computer name in this entry. Do not enter localhost or a loopback address.


IP address range

If you have multiple hosts in the same subnet, note the from and to IP addresses for the range of hosts in the same subnet.

This information is required only if you enable security-related configurations during the installation with or without SSL.


Administrator alias name

The alias name that defines the administrator for securing the Coherence cluster. You define this value during installation.

This is required only if you enable SSL and security-related configurations during the installation.

This value cannot be changed after it is set.


Administrator alias password

The password for the administrator alias. You define this value during installation.

This is required only if you enable SSL and security-related configurations during the installation.

This value cannot be changed after it is set.


Required Oracle NoSQL Database Information

Table 3-6 lists the Oracle NoSQL database information required during the ECE installation.

If convenient, you can use the Value column of the table to note the values of the fields for your specific installation so that you have it available when you run the ECE installer.

Table 3-6 Oracle NoSQL Database Information

Information Type Description Value

Host name

The name of the machine on which Oracle NoSQL database is installed.


Port number

The port number assigned to the Oracle NoSQL Database service.


Data store name

The name of the data store in which you want ECE to persist rated event information. This must be the name that you defined during the installation of Oracle NoSQL database.


Keystore Credentials Information

ECE uses credential stores or keystores for cluster security. You will be asked to specify keystore credential values during the installation process.

ECE uses two keystore files:

  • The keystore.jks file stores cipher keys used for encrypting the passwords used between ECE and BRM or PDC when required.

  • The server.jks file is used for enabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and stores cipher keys used for keeping the Coherence cluster secure.

During the ECE installation, you are asked to specify the following keystore credential information:

  • The password ECE uses to access the boundary system alias key in the keystore.jks file. The boundary systems are BRM and PDC.

  • The certificate store password used for accessing the keystore.jks and server.jks files.

  • The authorization of users for what they can do regarding cluster security. You set this value in the DName field during installation.

    The DName (acronym for Distinguished Name) is similar to a group in UNIX.






    • CN is the common name for the user.

    • OU is the organizational unit of the user.

    • O is the organization of the user.

For more information about the keystores and how they are used, see the discussion of setting up and managing Elastic Charging Engine security in BRM Elastic Charging Engine System Administrator's Guide.

Required Diameter Gateway Information

During installation, you must specify the following information that Diameter clients use to identify your Diameter Gateway server.

Table 3-7 Diameter Gateway Information

Information Type Description Value


During installation, you must specify whether Diameter Gateway is started when ECE is started.


Origin Host

The value for the Origin-Host attribute-value pair (AVP) to be sent in the Diameter request.

This is a unique identifier that you assign your Diameter Gateway server on its host. It can be any string value.

This value is used by the Diameter client to identify your Diameter Gateway server as the connecting Diameter peer that is the source of the Diameter message.


Origin Realm

The value for the Origin-Realm AVP to be sent by the Diameter Gateway in outgoing Diameter requests.

This is the signaling realm (domain) that you assign your Diameter Gateway server.

This value is used by Diameter clients to identify your Diameter Gateway server as the source of the Diameter message.


For more information about how the Origin-Host and Origin-Realm AVPs can be specified, refer to Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Network Working Group RFC 3588 (Diameter Base Protocol).

The Diameter Gateway details you enter in this screen apply to a single instance (node) of a Diameter Gateway server that the installer adds to your ECE topology. You must add more Diameter Gateway nodes to your topology after installation. See "Adding and Configuring Diameter Gateway Nodes for Online Charging" for more information.

Required RADIUS Gateway Information

During installation, you must specify the following information that RADIUS clients use to identify your RADIUS Gateway server.

Table 3-8 RADIUS Gateway Information

Information Type Description Value


If you do not want RADIUS Gateway to start when ECE starts, select this option.



The name of the RADIUS Gateway instance.



The port number assigned to RADIUS Gateway.


Shared Secret

The common password shared between your RADIUS Gateway server and Network Access Server (NAS). It is used by the RADIUS protocol for security. Each RADIUS Gateway instance must have a unique password in encrypted format.


Wallet Location

The path to the Oracle wallet file containing SSL trusted certificates and the BRM root key for RADIUS Gateway.


The RADIUS Gateway details you enter in this screen apply to a single instance (node) of a RADIUS Gateway server that the installer adds to your ECE topology. You must add more RADIUS Gateway nodes to your topology after installation. See "Adding and Configuring RADIUS Gateway Nodes for Authentication and Accounting" for more information.

Required Third-Party Library Information

During the installation, you need to know the directory where you saved the JAR files required for the ECE installation process.

For more information, see "Obtaining Required JAR Files."

Information Required Only for an ECE Integrated Installation

This section describes the additional information requirements for an ECE integrated installation.

Config Data Details

During the installation, you must specify the path to the directory that contains configuration data (mediation specifications).

After installation, when you load data into ECE, the loading utility reads and loads configuration data from this directory.

For more information about configuration data, see the discussion about implementing ECE with BRM in BRM Elastic Charging Engine Implementation Guide.

Required WebLogic Server Information

You install WebLogic Server when you install PDC. You set up two JMS queues on a WebLogic server:

  • A pricing data JMS queue that ECE listens on to consume pricing data that PDC publishes into the queue.

  • A notification event queue (JMS topic) into which ECE publishes notification events that external systems, such as network mediation programs, can consume to obtain data for their own processing.


    ECE provides a post-installation script that will create the notification event queue for you.

Table 3-9 lists the WebLogic Server information that is required during the ECE installation.

If convenient, you can use the Value column of the table to note the values of the fields for your specific installation so that you have it available when you run the ECE installer.

Table 3-9 WebLogic Server Information

Information Type Description Value

Host name

The host name of the server on which the JMS queues reside.


Port number

The port number of the server on which the JMS queues reside.


User name

The user name for logging in to the WebLogic server on which the JMS queues reside.



The password for logging in to the WebLogic server on which the JMS queues reside.


Module name

The JMS system module name on the WebLogic server on which the JMS queues reside.



The name of the subdeployment target in the JMS system module.


Connection Factory name

The connection factory name that is used to create connections to the JMS topic queue on the WebLogic Server to which ECE will publish notification events.

After you install ECE, you will run an ECE post-installation script that will create the JMS topic queue on the WebLogic Server. The connection factory name is used by the script to create the connections to the JMS topic queue.


Topic Name

The JMS topic queue name of the JMS topic on the WebLogic Server to which ECE will publish notification events.

After you install ECE, you will run a post-installation script that will create the JMS topic on the WebLogic Server. The topic name is the name the ECE post-installation script will use to create the JMS topic.


Suspense Queue Name

The BRM Gateway suspense queue is created as part of post-install script in case of full installation.

In case of a patch-set release a new JMS suspense queue is configured manually in the WebLogic within the ECE JMS module.


Disable SSL

During installation, you must specify whether SSL will be used to secure the ECE JMS queue connection.


Keystore password

The password used to access the SSL keystore file.


Keystore location

The full path to the SSL keystore file.


Required BRM Information

Table 3-10 lists the BRM information required during the ECE installation.

If convenient, you can use the Value column of the table to note the values of the fields for your specific installation so that you have it available when you run the ECE installer.

Table 3-10 BRM Information

Information type Description Value

BRM user name

The user name for logging in to BRM.


BRM password

The password for logging in to BRM.


Database user name

The BRM database schema user name.


Database password

The password for the BRM database user.


Database driver

The driver used to connect to the BRM database.


Database host name

The IP address or the host name of the computer on which the BRM database is configured.


Database port number

The port number assigned to the BRM database service.


Service name

The name of the BRM database service.


CM host name

The IP address or the host name of the computer on which the BRM Connection Manager (CM) is configured.


CM port number

The port number for the CM.


Disable SSL

During installation, you must specify whether SSL will be used to secure the BRM Gateway connection.


Wallet file absolute path

The default path to the Oracle wallet file containing the SSL trusted certificates for BRM Gateway:


If SSL is enabled for BRM Gateway but the wallet is in a different location, you must replace the default path with the full path to the actual location during installation.


Queue name

The name of the database queue that the BRM Account Synchronization DM uses to publish business events for ECE to consume.


Suspense queue name

The name of the database queue that ECE will use to move failed update requests (for business-event data that could not be consumed by ECE) so they can be retried later.

An ECE post-installation script will create the queue itself. You only need to supply the name you want to use for the queue.


Acknowledgement queue name

The name of the database queue that ECE will use to publish acknowledgement events for BRM to consume (used for rerating).

An ECE post-installation script will create the queue itself. You only need to supply the name you want to use for the queue.


Required External Manager Gateway Information

Table 3-11 lists the External Manager (EM) Gateway information required during the ECE installation.

If convenient, you can use the Value column of the table to note the values of the fields for your specific installation so that you have it available when you run the ECE installer.

Table 3-11 External Manager Gateway Information

Information type Description Value

Number EM Gateways

The number of EM Gateway instances you want ECE to run automatically when you start EM Gateway.


Starting Port Number

The port number assigned to EM Gateway.

If you have more than one EM Gateway instance, this is the starting port number. Subsequent port numbers increase by one for each additional EM Gateway instance. For example, if the starting port number is 15502 and you specify three EM Gateway instances, ports 15502, 15503, and 15504 are used by EM Gateway processes.

Ensure that no other processes on the machine use port numbers assigned to EM Gateway instances.


Disable SSL

During installation, you must specify whether SSL will be used to secure the EM Gateway connection.


Client Authentication Disabled

During installation, you must specify whether authentication is performed to check whether EM Gateway is allowed to communicate with ECE.


Wallet File Absolute Path

The default path to the Oracle wallet file containing the SSL trusted certificates for EM Gateway:


If SSL is enabled for EM Gateway but the wallet is in a different location, you must replace the default path with the full path to the actual location during installation.


Required PDC Pricing Components Queue Information

During the installation, you must specify the system connection information of the server on which the JMS queue for PDC pricing component data resides.

PDC publishes pricing component data into this queue. ECE listens on this JMS queue to consume the pricing component data.

Field or Option Description
Host Name The IP address or the host name of the computer on which the PDC JMS queue resides.
Port Number The port number of the computer on which the PDC JMS queue resides.
User Name The user for logging in to the server on which the PDC JMS queue resides.
Password The password for logging in to the server on which the PDC JMS queue resides.
Disable SSL During installation, you must specify whether SSL will be used to secure the PDC JMS queue connection.
PDC Keystore Password The password used to access the SSL keystore file.
Keystore Path The full path to the SSL keystore file.