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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 1m: Maintenance Commands
Release 6.1.1


dump_cat - Dumps the media changer catalog file in text format


∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕dump_cat [ -n ] | [ -o ] [ -V ] catalog




dump_cat writes a readable form of the catalog specified on the command line to standard output. See build_cat (1m) for the format of the output.



Outputs the count of entries in the catalog.


Lists media that is no longer present in the catalog; i.e., the in-use flag is not set but there is an entry present.


Verbose, lists flags and label times as comments. Lists volume reservations as comments that may be used to build a ReservedVSNs file.


The following is a sample dump_cat listing:

# audit_time Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
# version 410  count 32 mediatype 
# Index  VSN     Barcode  Type   PTOC Access Capacity  Space Status    Sector Label time  Slot Part Modification time Mount time Reserved Time Archive-Set∕Owner∕File System Volume Location LVTime LVPos
#   ---status---  ---label time----  --last mod time--  ----mount time---
  0 004974 004974 sg       0    3 19915760 19915760 0x6a000200 131072 0x3f
8aec0f     0   0          0 0x3fdf5a79          0 ∕∕ NO_INFORMATION 0 0
#   -il-o-b-----  10∕13∕03 13:16:47  12∕31∕69 18:00:00  12∕16∕03 13:18:17
  1 000120 000120 sg     0x4    4 19915760 19915760 0x6a000200 262144 0x3f
d0ae8e     1   0 0x3fdf51c0 0x3fdf51be          0 ∕∕ "1440 Northland Drive, Shelf 15" 0 0
#   -il-o-b-----  12∕05∕03 10:13:02  12∕16∕03 12:41:04  12∕16∕03 12:41:02
 14 000139 000139 sg    0x20    2 19915760 19915760 0x7a000200 131072 0x3f
8aec20    14   0 0x3fdf51ea 0x3fdf51e7          0 ∕∕ "vsn 000139 arset.0 from ∕samfs1" 0 0
#   -ilEo-b-----  10∕13∕03 13:17:04  12∕16∕03 12:41:46  12∕16∕03 12:41:43
 15 700178 700178 sg   0x804    3 19915760 19382920 0x7a000a00 262144 0x3f
d4f746    15   0 0x3fdf5317 0x3fdf5213          0 ∕∕ NO_INFORMATION 0 0


build_cat (1m), sam-robotsd (1m).