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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 1m: Maintenance Commands
Release 6.1.1


build_cat - Build a media changer catalog file


∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕build_cat [ -t media ] file catalog

∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕build_cat [ -t media ] - catalog




build_cat will build a catalog file from file. If '-' is substituted for file, standard input will be used. If neither file or '-' is given, the usage message is emitted and build_cat exits.

Each line in the input file describes one piece of media in the catalog. The first four fields are required. The remaining fields should not be supplied except if generated by the dump_cat utility. Manually creating or editing of these fields can produce undesirable results.

The fields, in order, on each line are:


The index of this entry within the catalog. The index must be an incrementing integer starting at zero.


The volume serial name of the media. If there is no volume serial name then the character "?" should be used.

bar code

The bar code or volser for the media. If there is no bar code then the string NO_BAR_CODE should be used.

media type

The media type for this media (see mcf (4)).


The next position to be used to write data to the media.

access count

The number of times the media has been mounted.


The capacity of the device in 1024-byte units.

space avail

The amount of space left in 1024-byte units.


The flags field from the catalog entry, in numeric form.

sector size

The tape block size or optical disk sector size.

label time

The time that the medium was labeled.


The slot containing the volume within the automated library.


The partition or side of a magneto-optical cartridge. The value of partition is 0 for tapes, 1 or 2 for m-o cartridges.

modification time

The time the medium was last modified.

mount time

The time the medium was last mounted.

reserve time

The time the volume was reserved. A value of 0 means no reservation.


The volume reservation - archive-set∕owner∕file system.

information field

Information about this volume supplied by the user.


The last verified time for a tape.


The last verified position on tape.


-t media

Set the media type of the catalog to media (see mcf (4). If the media option is specified, the media type field from the input file must match the media type specified by media. If the media option is not specified, no enforcement of media type is performed.


build_cat can be used to generate a catalog that contains a combination of usual Oracle HSM media and so-called foreign media. Foreign media are those that use a different format from Oracle HSM. The migration toolkit (SAMmigkit) provides hooks for the site to use to enable Oracle HSM file systems to stage (and optionally re-archive) data from foreign media.

When building a catalog for foreign media, the -t media option must be used to set the physical media type. For example, if the library contains LTO tapes, you would use -t li on the command line. In the input file, for each foreign volume, specify a media type beginning with 'z'.


In addition to foreign media, Build_cat can also be used to generate Linear Tape File System (LTFS) catalog entries.

When building a catalog entry for LTFS media, the -t media option must be used to set the physical media type. For LTFS volumes, only Oracle T10000 and LTO-5 or later media are supported. So, for example, if the library contained T10000 volumes, you would specify media type ti with the -t parameter on the command line and media type tf (LTFS media) for each LTFS volume listed in the input file.


dump_cat (1m), export (1m), import (1m), mcf (4), sam-robotsd (1m)