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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 4: File Formats
Release 6.1.1


mcf - Master configuration file for StorageTek QFS Software and Oracle HSM software







The mcf file defines the devices and family sets used by StorageTek QFS Software and Oracle HSM software. The mcf file is read when sam-fsd is started. You can change it at any time while sam-fsd is running. The changes take effect when sam-fsd is restarted, or sent the signal SIGHUP.

The following examples show an mcf file for an Oracle HSM archiving environment and an mcf file for a StorageTek QFS file system.

Example 1. The following is an example of an Oracle HSM mcf file:

# Oracle HSM archiving file system configuration example
# Equipment       Eq Eq Family Dev Additional
# Identifier      Nm Tp Set    St  Parameters
# --------------- -- -- ------ --- ----------
samfs1            10 ms samfs1
∕dev∕dsk∕c1t0d0s6 11 md samfs1 -
∕dev∕dsk∕c2t0d0s6 12 md samfs1 -
samfs2                           20 ms samfs2 - shared
∕dev∕dsk∕c2t50020F2300000C98d0s5 21 md samfs2 -
∕dev∕dsk∕c2t50020F2300004921d0s5 22 md samfs2 -
∕dev∕scsi∕changer∕c3t500104F0008E6C2Cd0 30 rb SL500 on SL500
∕dev∕rmt∕2bn                     31 tp SL500 on
∕dev∕rmt∕3bn                     32 tp SL500 on
∕dev∕rmt∕0cbn     40 tp -      on
∕dev∕scsi∕changer∕c1t3d1 50 rb ml50   on   ∕usr∕tmp∕ml50_cat
∕dev∕rmt∕2cbn     51 tp ml50   on

Example 2. The following is an example of a StorageTek QFS mcf file:

# StorageTek QFS file system configuration example
# Equipment        Eq Eq Family Dev Additional
# Identifier       Nm Tp Set    St  Parameters
# ---------------- -- -- ------ --- ----------
qfs1               10 ma qfs1
∕dev∕dsk∕c1t1d0s3  11 mm qfs1   -
∕dev∕dsk∕c2t1d0s3  12 mm qfs1   -
∕dev∕dsk∕c3t1d0s3  13 md qfs1   -
∕dev∕dsk∕c4t1d0s3  14 md qfs1   -
qfs2                             20 ma qfs2
∕dev∕dsk∕c1t50020F2300000C98d0s0 21 mm qfs2  -
∕dev∕dsk∕c1t50020F2300004921d0s0 22 mm qfs2 -
∕dev∕dsk∕c2t50020F2300004655d0s1 23 g0 qfs2 -
∕dev∕dsk∕c3t50020F230000651Cd0s1 24 g0 qfs2 -
∕dev∕dsk∕c2t50020F2300004655d0s2 25 g1 qfs2 -
∕dev∕dsk∕c3t50020F230000651Cd0s2 26 g1 qfs2 -
qfs3                             30 ma qfs3 - shared
∕dev∕dsk∕c2t50020F2300000C98d0s2 31 mm qfs3 -
∕dev∕dsk∕c2t50020F2300004921d0s2 32 mm qfs3 -
∕dev∕dsk∕c2t50020F2300000C98d0s3 33 mr qfs3 -
∕dev∕dsk∕c2t50020F2300004921d0s3 34 mr qfs3 -

Example 3. The following is an example of a StorageTek QFS mcf file within a SAN environment:

# StorageTek QFS file system configuration example
# Equipment        Eq Eq Family Dev Additional
# Identifier       Nm Tp Set    St  Parameters
# ---------------- -- -- ------ --- ----------
qfs1               10 ms  qfs1   -
∕dev∕dsk∕c5t16d0s0 11 md  qfs1   -
∕dev∕dsk∕c5t17d0s0 12 md  qfs1   -
∕dev∕dsk∕c5t18d0s0 13 md  qfs1   -
∕dev∕dsk∕c5t19d0s0 14 md  qfs1   -
∕dev∕dsk∕c5t20d0s0 15 md  qfs1   -
∕dev∕dsk∕c5t21d0s0 16 md  qfs1   -

As the preceding examples show, each line in the mcf file is divided into six fields. The format of the fields in the mcf file is as follows:

Equipment  Equipment  Equipment  Family  Device  Additional
Identifier Number     Type       Set     State   Parameters

The Equipment Identifier, Equipment Number, and Equipment Type fields are required for each entry. The mcf file can contain comments. Each comment line must begin with a pound character (#). Blank lines are ignored. The fields in the file must be separated by white space. A dash character (-) can be used to indicate a field with no entry.

This man page describes the content of a StorageTek QFS or Oracle HSM mcf file. For more configuration information, see the Oracle HSM Documentation Library. After your StorageTek QFS or Oracle HSM software is installed, you can see more examples of mcf files in the following directory:


mcf File Fields

This section defines the fields in the mcf file. Note that StorageTek QFS (non-archiving) environments do not include removable media devices in their mcf files.

When writing the mcf file, group together the lines that define similar devices. For example, create this file such that the devices for a file system appear on consecutive lines and devices for a library appear in a separate set of consecutive lines.


A StorageTek QFS or Oracle HSM disk cache family set with no meta devices. Metadata resides on the data device(s).


A StorageTek QFS or Oracle HSM disk cache family set with one or more meta devices. Metadata resides on these meta devices. File data resides on the data device(s).

A maximum of 252 separate magnetic disk devices can be defined for each ms or ma disk cache family set.

The Family Set field is required for file system disks. It is used to define the magnetic disks that make up the family set. For a magnetic disk device, the Family Set field entry must match a Family Set defined on an ms or ma entry.

The keyword shared must be specified in the Additional Parameters field if the file system is a shared file system. A shared file system is built by using the -S option to the sammkfs (1m) command. For more information on this option, see the sammkfs (1m) man page.

For each disk device, the Equipment Identifier field is the path to a special file, such as ∕dev∕dsk∕cntndnsn. If the meta devices are not present on the clients in a shared file system, the keyword nodev must be specified in the Equipment Identifier field for the mm devices.

The following equipment types are used to define the disk devices that reside within an ms or ma file system:


A magnetic disk that is part of an ma disk cache family set. Metadata is allocated on this device. At least one mm device is required in an ma file system.


A magnetic disk that is part of an ms or ma disk cache family set. This device stores file data allocated in small Disk Allocation Units (DAUs) of 4 kilobytes and large DAUs of 16, 32, or 64 kilobytes. The default is 64 kilobytes. In an ms family set, this device stores both metadata and file data. In an ma family set, this device stores only file data. At least one md or mr device is required in an ma file system.


A magnetic disk that is part of an ma disk cache family set. This device stores file data allocated in large Disk Allocation Units (DAUs) that are a multiple of 8 kilobytes in a fully adjustable range from 8 to 65528 kilobytes. The default is 64 kilobytes. File data is allocated on this device. At least one mr or md device is required in an ma file system.


A magnetic disk that is part of an ma disk cache family set. The XXX identifies a striped group of devices. This device stores file data allocated in a large DAU size multiplied by the number of members in the striped group. The DAU size is a multiple of 8 kilobytes in a fully adjustable range from 8 to 65528 kilobytes. The default is 256 kilobytes. The XXX must be a decimal number in the XXXphysical size.

It is not possible to use the samgrowfs (1m) command to increase the size of a striped group. However, it is possible to add additional striped groups.

The Equipment Identifier is used during the mount (1M) process as the Device To Mount. The Device To Mount is the first field in ∕etc∕vfstab file for the mount point. For more information on this, see the mount (1M), mount_samfs (1m), or vfstab (1M) man pages.

SCSI-Attached Libraries

Several identifiers can be used to define SCSI-attached libraries in the mcf file. For each SCSI-attached library, the Equipment Identifier field must contain the path (such as ∕dev∕scsi∕changer∕cntnun) to the special file for the device created by the sgen device driver. For more information on the device driver, see the sgen (7) man page.

The Family Set field is required. It is used to associate the library controller with the drives in the library. All devices associated with the library must have the same Family Set name.

The Additional Parameters field is optional. This field can be used to specify a nondefault location for the library catalog file. By default, catalogs are written to ∕var∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕catalog∕family_set_name. This file is used to store information about each piece of media in the library. In an HA-SAM configuration, this field must specify the library catalog file in the default location, and ∕var∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕catalog is linked to the cluster file system that is shared among all nodes within the Solaris Cluster.

The following Equipment Type field entries can be used to define manually mounted or automated libraries that are attached through a SCSI interface:


Generic SCSI library that is automatically configured by Oracle HSM software.

NOTE: An rb definition is preferred for all SCSI-attached libraries. The remainder of the library definitions in this list are supported but are not recommended for use in an mcf file. If a library in this list is defined in the mcf file as rb, Oracle HSM sets the appropriate type based on the SCSI vendor code.


ADIC Scalar 448 libraries.


ADIC Scalar 100 and Quantum Scalar i500 libraries.


Oracle StorEdge L25 and L100 and ATL M1500 and M2500 libraries.


ADIC Scalar 1000 and 10K libraries. Quantum Scalar i2000 and i6000 libraries.


Qualstar 42xx, 62xx, 82xx, TLS and RLS series libraries


Overland Data Inc. Neo Series Tape Libraries.


ATL Products 4∕52, 2640, 7100, and P-series tape libraries, and Oracle 1800, 3500, L1000 and L11000 tape libraries.


Cygnet optical disk libraries.


DocuStore and Plasmon optical disk libraries.


Exabyte 210, L280, and ATL Products L-series tape libraries.


Exabyte X80 libraries.


HP L9∕L20∕L60 series


HP SL48 and SL24 libraries.


Hewlett Packard optical disk libraries.


IBM 3570 media changer.


Metrum and Mountain Gate libraries.


Fujitsu LT250 and LT270 libraries.


Plasmon D-Series DVD-RAM libraries.


Plasmon G-Series UDO∕MO libraries. The library must be configured to G-Enterprise mode, element address scheme 1 and barcode type 2 or 3 by using the front panel.


Quantum DLTx700 tape libraries.


Sony DMF and DMS libraries.


Sony CSM-20S Tape Library.


Spectra Logic and Qualstar tape libraries.


Oracle StorageTek SL3000 library series.


StorageTek 97xx series libraries.


StorageTek L20, L40, L80, and L500 tape libraries and Oracle StorEdge L7 and L8 autoloaders.


Quantum PX500 and Oracle StorEdge C4 libraries. These libraries are supported in native mode (PX500) only. Oracle HSM does not support these libraries in M1500 emulation mode.


IBM 3584, TS3500 and TS4500 tape libraries.

Network-Attached Libraries

This subsection describes how to define a network-attached library in your mcf file.

For each Network-attached library, the Equipment Identifier field must contain the path to the "parameters file" for the device.

The Family Set field is required. It is used to associate devices with the library. All devices associated with the library must have the same Family Set name.

The Additional Parameters field is optional. This field can be used to specify a nondefault location for the library catalog file. By default, catalogs are written to ∕var∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕catalog∕family_set_name. This file is used to store information about each piece of media in the library. In an HA-SAM configuration, this field must specify the library catalog file in the default location, and ∕var∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕catalog is linked to the cluster file system that is shared among all nodes within the Solaris Cluster.

The network-attached library definitions are as follows:


StorageTek ACSLS interface. The Equipment Identifier field must contain the path to the parameters file for the ACSLS interface. For more information, see the stk (7) man page.


Cloud Library interface. The Equipment Identifier field must contain the path to the parameters file for the Cloud Library interface. For more information, see the cloud (7) man page.

The Historian

The hy identifier in the Equipment Type field identifies the Oracle HSM historian.

The Equipment Identifier field must contain the string historian.

The Family Set must contain a dash character (-).

The Additional Parameters field is optional. This field can be used to specify a nondefault location for the historian. By default, the historian is written to ∕var∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕catalog∕historian. This file is used to store information about the media handled by the historian. For more information, see the historian (7) man page.

Optical Disk Drives

This subsection describes the optical disk drive devices supported by Oracle HSM.

NOTE that optical disk drive devices are not supported on x64 platforms.

In the mcf file, a line describing an optical device must contain the following:

  • The Equipment Identifier field must be the path to the special file, such as ∕dev∕scsi∕changer∕cntnun, for the sgen device driver. For more information, see the sgen (7) man page.

  • The Family Set field is used to associate the drive with the library that has the same Family Set. If the family set is defined as a dash (-), the drive is assumed to be manually loaded.

  • The Equipment Type field contains the optical drive identifier, as follows:


Generic optical disk. A disk that is automatically configured by Oracle HSM. If you specify od, Oracle HSM sets the appropriate type based on the SCSI vendor code.

NOTE that an od definition is preferred for all optical drives. If you specify od in the Equipment Type field, the Oracle HSM software sets the appropriate type based on the SCSI vendor code. The remainder of the definitions in this list are supported but are not recommended for use in an mcf file.


12 inch WORM drive.


5 \(14 inch optical WORM drive.


5 \(14 inch erasable optical drive. The Oracle HSM environment supports disks with 512-, 1024-, and 2048-byte sectors.


Plasmon UDO drive.


IBM Multi Function optical drive.

Note that for all magneto-optical media, the default archmax value is 5 megabytes.

Tape Drives

This subsection describes the set of tape drives supported by Oracle HSM software for use in manually mounted and automated libraries.

A line in the mcf file for a tape drive must contain information in the following other fields:

  • The Equipment Identifier must be the path to the raw device, typically, ∕dev∕rmt∕nbn. However, it can be any symbolic link that also points to the proper special file in the ∕devices tree. You must specify the BSD no-rewind path.

    If the device supports compression, then that path should be specified for better tape usage; except if the ST_AUTODEN_OVERRIDE drive option bit is set in an st.conf entry, you cannot specify a compression preference by changing the dev entry. Any attempt to specify compression is ignored. This is determined by the Solaris SCSI tape driver, st. The compression state of the drive is determined by its power-on default.

    For more information, see the mtio (7) man page.

  • The Family Set field must be used to associate the device with the library that has the same Family Set name. If the family set is a dash character (-), then the device is assumed to be a manually loaded device.

  • The Additional Parameters is required for a tape drive if the Equipment Identifier field does not contain information in a ∕dev∕rmt∕* format (the standard st device driver). If specified, the Additional Parameters field must contain the path to the special file, such as ∕dev∕scsi∕changer∕cntnun, for the sgen device driver. For more information, see the sgen (7D) man page.

If Oracle HSM has access to a tape device, no other user should be allowed access the device during that period. Oracle HSM changes the mode on the path supplied in the mcf file to 0660 at startup, or when the device state moves from down to on. When the state moves from on to down, the mode is set to the value of tp_mode in the defaults.conf file. For more information, see tbe defaults.conf (4) man page.

The following list shows the tape drives for each type of tape media supported. The tape drives supported by Oracle HSM are as follows:


Generic tape drive. These tapes are automatically configured by Oracle HSM.

NOTE that a tp definition is preferred for all tape drives. If you specify tp in the Equipment Type field, the Oracle HSM software sets the appropriate type based on the SCSI vendor code. The remainder of the definitions in this list are supported but are not recommended for use in an mcf file.


DAT 4mm tape drive. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is dt_blksize = 16.


Digital linear tape (DLT) drive (including Super DLT and DLT-S4). In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this type of media is lt_blksize = 128.


Exabyte (850x) 8mm tape drive. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is xt_blksize = 16.


Exabyte Mammoth-2 8mm tape drive. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is xm_blksize = 128.


Fujitsu M8100 128-track tape drive. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is fd_blksize = 256.


IBM 3570 tape drive. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is i7_blksize = 128.


IBM 3580, Seagate Viper 200 and HP Ultrium (LTO) In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is li_blksize = 256.


IBM 3590 tape drive. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is ib_blksize = 256.


IBM 3592, TS1120 and TS1150 tape drives. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is m2_blksize = 2048.


Metrum VHS (RSP-2150) tape drive. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is vt_blksize = 128.


Sony AIT tape drive. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is at_blksize = 128.


Sony Super AIT tape drive. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is sa_blksize = 2048.


Sony DTF tape drive. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is so_blksize = 1024.


StorageTek 3480 tape drive. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is st_blksize = 128.


StorageTek 9490 tape drive. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is se_blksize = 128.


StorageTek 9840 tape drive. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is sg_blksize = 256.


StorageTek D3 tape drive. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is d3_blksize = 256.


StorageTek T9940 tape drive. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is sf_blksize = 256.


StorageTek T10000 Titanium tape drive. In the defaults.conf file, the default block size keyword for this media is ti_blksize = 2048.

Special Media

This subsection describes the media that is device independent. The media does not specify a type of device and must never be specified in an \fbmcf.


Cloud Library media. This type does not correspond to any physical tape drive and must never be specified in a mcf. It is used to identify VSNs that are stored in the cloud through the Cloud Library interface. See cloud (7).


Other File System media. This type is used to migrate files on foreign file systems into an Oracle HSM file system. This type does not specify a form of physical media and must never be specified in a mcf.


Linear Tape File System (LTFS) media. This type does not specify a physical tape drive and must never be specified in a mcf. It is used only to indicate LTFS formatted T10000 Titanium or LTO volumes.


Foreign or third party media. Any media type that begins with a z marks the media as being managed outside of Oracle HSM. The acceptable valued got the second character are 0 through 9 and a through z.

For all tapes, the Oracle HSM system sets the block size to a media-specific default. For information on how to change the default block size, see the defaults.conf (4) man page.

For all tapes, the default archmax value is 512 megabytes.

Disk Archiving

The archiver can be configured to archive directly to online disk cache. To enable disk archiving, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Create directories in online disk cache to serve as destinations for the archive copies.

  2. Create the ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕diskvols.conf file.

  3. Edit the archiver.cmd file and add the -disk_archive directive.

    The media type for a disk volume is dk. The block size for a disk volume is dk_blksize=1024. This value cannot be changed.

    The media type for an Oracle StorageTek 5800 Storage System disk volume is cb. The 5800 schema specifies the metadata attributes that are stored with objects in the 5800 system. The system comes preconfigured with a default metadata schema. For a 5800 disk volume you must modify the default schema file to add metadata specific to Oracle HSM. For more information on configuring the schema, refer to the Oracle StorageTek 5800 System Administration Guide. The file ∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕examples∕metadata_config_samfs.xml can be used to extend the default schema for Oracle HSM.

    Disk archiving is explained in more detail in the Oracle HSM Documentation Library.

SAM-Remote Device Definitions

Several identifiers define devices when using the StorageTek SAM-Remote client or StorageTek SAM-Remote server software. For more information on configuring the StorageTek SAM-Remote client or the StorageTek SAM-Remote server, see the sam-remote (7) man page or see the \fStorageTek SAM-Remote Administrator's Guide.

The identifiers used when configuring the StorageTek SAM-Remote client or StorageTek SAM-Remote server are as follows:


StorageTek SAM-Remote server. The Equipment Identifier field must contain the path name to the server configuration file. The Family Set field must identify the server. That is, it must be the same as the Family Set name of the server. It must match the name used in the client side definition. It is used by the clients to associate the device with the server of the same Family Set name.


StorageTek SAM-Remote client. The Equipment Identifier field must contain the path name to the client configuration file. The Family Set field must contain an identifier that is the same as the family set name of the server. It is used by the clients to associate the device with the server of the same Family Set name. The Additional Parameters field must contain the full path name of the client's library catalog file.


StorageTek SAM-Remote pseudo-device. The Equipment Identifier field must be the path to the pseudo-device, such as ∕dev∕samrd∕rd2. The Family Set field must be the name of the server. It is used by the clients to associate the device with the server of the same Family Set name.



Contains example mcf files.


Oracle HSM Documentation Library

chmod (1).

build_cat (1m), dump_cat (1m), mount (1M), mount_samfs (1m), sammkfs (1m). sam-fsd (1m),

defaults.conf (4), inquiry.conf (4), vfstab (4).

dst (7), fujitsulmf (7), historian (7), mtio (7), sam-remote (7), sgen (7D), samst (7), st (7), stk (7), cloud (7).