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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 7: Device and Network Interfaces
Release 6.1.1


cloud - The cloud library interface




The cloud interface adds cloud-based storage to the range of archival devices and media supported by Oracle HSM. It supports both Oracle Storage Cloud Service and Oracle Storage Cloud Archive Service (for more information about these services, see the online documentation at https:∕∕∕storage).

To represent cloud resources, the Oracle HSM cloud interface defines a new equipment type, cr (cloud library), and a corresponding new media type, cl.

Cloud library equipment behaves like a tape library with a configurable number of tape drives. Users can configure multiple cloud libraries with multiple cloud services and service accounts to suit different archiver policies.

Cloud media can be used like any other media type. Each volume has a unique volume serial number (VSN). So, using the familiar combination of a media type and list of VSNs, the archiving policies in the archiver.cmd file can specify disk, tape, and cloud volumes tailored to particular requirements.


A parameters file defines each piece of cloud library equipment. The full path to this file is then entered into the Equipment Identifier field of the cloud library entry in the Oracle HSM Master Configuration File (see mcf (4)).

Each parameter consists of a keyword and a value, separated by the equals sign (=). All entries are case-sensitive:

name = name

The alphanumeric character string that uniquely identifies a cloud library. All VSNs of the media generated for this cloud library begin with name, so that resource conflicts cannot occur.

The specified name must contain at least 4 characters and at most 20.

type = cloud_service

The type of the cloud service that this cloud library represents: either oracle for Oracle Storage Cloud Service or oracle-archive for Oracle Storage Cloud Archive Service.

When oracle-archive is specified, new VSN containers belong to the Oracle Storage Cloud Archive storage class, with specified pricing and performance characteristics. For example, Archive class storage mayimpose a delay of up to a 4 hours on staging requests. So match these characteristics to requirements when designing archiving policies.

url = account_url

The Uniform Resource Locator of the cloud service that this cloud library represents. For example, https:∕∕

domain_id = name

The domain name of the cloud service account.

username = account_user

The username associated with the cloud service account.

password_file = path-and-filename

The absolute path to the file that contains the password for the cloud service account. The Oracle HSM cloud interface uses this file for authenticatation when accessing the account.

Create and periodically update this password file by running the command sam-cloudd -p path-and-filename. See sam-cloudd (1m).

drives = drive_count

The number of logical drives that this cloud library makes available to the Oracle HSM software. This controls the number of archiver or stager requests can execute concurrently against the corresponding cloud service.

The value must be in the range [1-32].

The default is 4.


During initialization, when Oracle HSM encounters a volume with a VSN that starts with the value of a cloud library name parameter, it automatically imports the volume into the corresponding logical library and enters the VSN into the catalog.

Users can also create and automatically import volumes using the import eq command, where eq is the equipment ordinal number assigned to the cloud library. One new VSN is generated each time the command runs. This approach can generate VSNs for use in archiver.cmd (4) media assignments. See import (1m) and mcf (4).

Cloud media do not support export operations.


Oracle HSM cloud libraries automatically add new, unique VSNs to the catalog as needed. Generated VSNs take the form name_num, where:


A sample parameters file:

# Cloud library parameters file: ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕cl200
name = example
type = oracle-archive
url = https:∕∕
domain_id = a99999
username = cloudUser123
password_file = ∕path∕to∕secured_pass
drives = 10

The corresponding mcf file entry:

# Sample mcf entry for storage cloud library
∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕cl200  	200 cr  cloud200   - -

The first three generated Volume Serial Numbers (VSNs):




The Master Configuration File for the Oracle HSM and StorageTek QFS software.


The shared libraries needed by the cloud library are stored here.


Storage cloud service logs used for troubleshooting and support. Each configured library has a name.log file and one device log for each of the configured drives.


sam-robotsd (1m), sam-cloudd (1m), mcf (4).

Oracle HSM Documentation Library

Oracle Storage Cloud Service Documentation Library