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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 1m: Maintenance Commands
Release 6.1.1


sam-fsd - Initializes StorageTek QFS and Oracle HSM environments


∕usr∕lib∕fs∕samfs∕sam-fsd [ -C ] [ -N ] [ -D ] [ -c defaults] [ -d diskvols] [ -f samfs] [ -m mcf] [ -v ]




sam-fsd initializes StorageTek QFS and Oracle HSM environments and performs tasks for the file system kernel code. These tasks include sending messages to syslog, and starting the archiver, releaser, shared fs, and stager daemons. It is managed as a service by the Solaris Service Management Facility smf(5)

When started, sam-fsd reads the configuration files defaults.conf, diskvols.conf, mcf, and samfs.cmd located in the directory ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs. These files may be changed at any time while sam-fsd is running. The changes will take place when sam-fsd is restarted, or sent the signal SIGHUP.

The file systems are configured and necessary daemons are started. Configuration parameters are set, and table files are written for use by other components of the Oracle HSM environment.

If errors occur in any of the configuration files, sam-fsd refuses to run and writes a notification message to syslog. The problem must be corrected, and the signal SIGHUP sent to sam-fsd. sam-fsd then rereads the configuration files. The syslog message contains the command necessary to signal sam-fsd . 'kill -HUP sam-fsd-pid'

Trace Files

Several StorageTek QFS and Oracle HSM daemons write messages to trace files. These messages contain information about the state and progress of the work performed by the daemons. The messages are primarily used by Oracle engineers and support personnel to improve performance and diagnose problems. As such, the message content and format are subject to change with bugfixes and feature releases.

The daemons writing trace files are: sam-archiverd, sam-catserver, sam-fsd, sam-rftd, sam-recycler, sam-sharefsd, and sam-stagerd.

To prevent the trace files from growing indefinitely, sam-fsd monitors the size and age of the trace files and periodically executes the script ∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕trace_rotate. This script moves the trace files to sequentially numbered copies. The script is executed when the trace file exceeds a specified size, or age. The size and age are specified in defaults.conf. If ∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕trace_rotate does not exist, sam-fsd performs no action.


sam-fsd may be started by direct execution to provide detailed messages about problems in configuration files. In this case, the following options are allowed:



Sets an alternate defaults.conf file to check. defaults is the path to the alternate defaults configuration file.



Sets an alternate diskvols.conf file to check. diskvols is the path to the alternate diskvols configuration file.



Sets a single file system. fs_name is the family set name from the mcf file.



Sets an alternate mcf file to check. mcf is the path to the alternate mcf file.


Sets verbose mode.


Configure Oracle HSM if not already configured. Must be the only option.


Exits with a non-zero status if any Oracle HSM file systems are configured. Used by the Solaris SMF facility. Must be the only option.


Used by the SMF facility to start sam-fsd as a daemon. Used by the Solaris SMF facility. Must be the only option.



Location of Oracle HSM configuration files.


The configuration file for Oracle HSM environments.


StorageTek QFS and Oracle HSM mount commands file.


Set default values for Oracle HSM environment.


defaults.conf (4), diskvols.conf (4), mcf (4), samfs.cmd (4).

trace_rotate (1m).