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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 4: File Formats
Release 6.1.1


samfs.cmd - Defines mount parameters for StorageTek QFS and Oracle HSM file systems







Commands for controlling samfs mount parameters are read from ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕samfs.cmd. These commands serve as defaults, and can be superseded by parameters on the mount command. See mount_samfs (1m). The ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕samfs.cmd file is read when sam-fsd is started. You can change it at any time while sam-fsd is running. The changes take effect when sam-fsd is restarted, or sent the signal SIGHUP via the samd config command.

When changing mount options in this file, you must unmount and mount the file system in order for the new mount options to take effect.

These commands are given one per line. Comments begin with a # and extend through the end of the line. Commands given before any "fs =" line apply in general to all file systems; "fs =" introduces commands which are specific to the mentioned file system only. File system-specific commands override general commands.


See mount_samfs (1m) under OPTIONS for the list of supported commands. The following additional command is available as well.

fs = fs_name

This command specifies the following commands apply only to the indicated file system with family set name fs_name.


This example file sets high and low for 2 different file systems, samfs1 and samfs2.

fs = samfs1
            high = 90
            low = 80
          fs = samfs2
            high = 80
            low = 75


release (1), setfa (1).

mount_samfs (1m), sam-fsd (1m), sam_releaser (1m).

sam_advise (3), sam_setfa (3x).


mcf (4).