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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 1m: Maintenance Commands
Release 6.1.1


export, samexport - Export a cartridge from a robot


∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕export [-f] eq : slot

∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕export [-f] mediatype . vsn

∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕samexport [-f] eq : slot

∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕samexport [-f] mediatype . vsn




export sends a request to the library specified by eq to place the specified cartridge in the mail-slot of the library. For the form mediatype. vsn, eq and slot are determined from the catalog entry. All other volumes on the cartridge are also exported.



The -f option is used for network-attached StorageTek automated libraries only. The -f option will cause the volume specified to be exported to the CAP (Cartridge Access Port) and the Oracle HSM catalog updated accordingly. The CAPID must be defined in the stk parameters file. See the stk (7) man page for details on defining the CAPID.

For the network-controlled libraries such as the STK libraries using ACSLS and not specifying the -f option, this utility only removes the catalog entry for the cartridge from the catalog. Physical removal and addition of cartridges within these libraries is performed by utilities supplied by STK.

Volumes on cartridges exported from a library will be tracked in the historian (7). The historian acts as a virtual library. Volumes on cartridges that have been exported from a library will, by default, be considered available for archiving and staging activities. Operator intervention is required to provide access to exported cartridges to satisfy load requests.

See the historian (7) man page for details about the historian and for the default settings that control access to exported cartridges.

Note: A cartridge may be exported from the historian. The information about volumes on this cartridge will be lost.

The export and samexport commands are identical; the samexport name is provided to avoid a conflict with the Bourne shell intrinsic of the same name.



The configuration file for Oracle HSM environments


import (1m), build_cat (1m), dump_cat (1m), sam-robotsd (1m), mcf (4), stk (7), historian (7)