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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 4: File Formats
Release 6.1.1


recycler.cmd - Oracle HSM sam-recycler commands file






Commands for controlling sam-recycler (1m) are read from ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕recycler.cmd. These commands are given one per line.

logfile = filename

Set the name of the log file to filename. This file shows the overall media utilization and a sorted list of VSNs in the order in which they will be recycled. The default is no log file. See sam-recycler (1m) for more information.

no_recycle media-type VSN-regexp [VSN-regexp…]

Disallow sam-recycler (1m) from recycling the VSNs which match the media-type and the regular expression(s), VSN-regexp.

robot-family-set parameters

This command sets recycling parameters for a particular library identified by robot-family-set (this is the name given as the fourth field in the ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕mcf file line defining the library for which you wish to set the parameters).


can be one more of the following:

-dataquantity size

This parameter sets a limit of size bytes on the amount of data the recycler will schedule for rearchiving in order to clear volumes of useful data. Note that the actual number of volumes selected for recycling may also be dependent on the -vsncount parameter. The default is 1 gigabyte (1G).

-hwm percent

establishes the high-water mark for the media utilization in the indicated library, specified as an integer percentage of total capacity. When the utilization of those volumes exceeds percent, sam-recycler (1m) will begin to recycle the library. The default is 95.


will keep sam-recycler (1m) from selecting any candidates from the specified library. The intent of this parameter is to allow a convenient way of testing other parameters.

-mail mailaddress

will cause sam-recycler (1m) to mail a message to the indicated mailaddress when a library's media utilization exceeds the high-water mark. Omission of mailaddress prevents recycling. If you specify -mail, you must specify a valid mailaddress.

-mingain percent

This parameter limits selection of volumes for recycling to those which would increase their free space by percent or more. Volumes not meeting the -mingain parameter are not recycled. The default is based on the capacity of the volume (200GB 60%, =200GB 90%).

-vsncount count

This parameter sets a limit of count on the number of volumes the recycler will schedule for rearchiving in order to clear volumes of useful data. Note that the actual number of volumes selected for recycling may also be dependent on the -dataquantity parameter. The default is 1.

To preserve compatibility with pre-existing ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕recycler.cmd files, an alternative, less powerful, syntax is allowed for the library recycling parameters command.
robot-family-set robot-high-water VSN-minimum-percent-gain options

This command sets recycling parameters for a particular library identified by robot-family-set (this is the name given as the fourth field in the ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕mcf file line defining the library for which you wish to set the parameters). robot-high-water establishes the high-water mark for the media utilization in the indicated library, specified as an integer percentage of total capacity. When the utilization of those volumes exceeds percent, sam-recycler (1m) will begin to recycle the library. The VSN-minimum-percent-gain (aka min-gain) value specifies a threshold of space available to be reclaimed (as an integer percent of total capacity of the VSN) below which VSNs will not be selected for recycling. The options consist of zero or more of the following: ignore - which will keep sam-recycler (1m) from selecting any candidates from the specified library. mail mailaddress - which will cause sam-recycler (1m) to mail a message to the indicated mailaddress when a library's media utilization exceeds the high-water mark. Omission of mailaddress prevents any mail from being sent.

script = filename

Supply the name of the file executed when a volume is to be relabeled. The default is ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕scripts∕


The archiver's command file, ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕archiver.cmd, can also specify recycling parameters for archive sets. Each archive set which has recycling parameters applied in ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕archiver.cmd will be considered as a pseudo library containing just the VSNs which the archiver assigns to the archive set. See archiver.cmd (4) for more information. Archive set names may not be specified in the ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕recycler.cmd file.


If there is no ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕recycler.cmd file, then, for each library, a line is constructed: library -dataquantity 1G -hwm 95 -ignore -mail root -mingain 50 -vsncount 1

and logging is disabled.


The following is an example ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕recycler.cmd file:

    logfile = ∕var∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕recycler.log
    lt20 -hwm 75 -mingain 60 -ignore
    hp30 -hwm 90 -mingain 60 -mail root
    gr47 -hwm 95 -mingain 60 -ignore mail root
    no_recycle lt DLT.*

The results of sam-recycler (1m) operation are found in ∕var∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕recycler.log. Three libraries are defined with various high-water marks. The first library is not recycled, but the usage information for the VSNs it contains will appear in the log, and no mail will be generated. The second library is recycled (that is, VSNs are emptied of valid archive images and relabeled) and root is sent e-mail when the library exceeds the 90% high-water mark. The third library is not recycled, but root is notified if usage exceeds the high-water mark.

For hp30, only VSNs whose recycling would free up at least 60% of the capacity of the VSN are considered.

No medium which is of media type lt and whose VSN begins with DLT will be recycled.

Another example ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕recycler.cmd file:

    logfile = ∕var∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕recycler.log
    cloudlibrary01 -vsncount 100 -dataquantity 1b -hwm 1 -mingain 1

This configuration will choose from library "cloudlibrary" only the first 100 VSNs that can be recycled without rearchiving any data. These will be VSNs that have no active data on them, and are identified in the recycler log with the status "no-data VSN".

VSNs which have no active data are easy to recycle since they can be relabeled and reused with no rearchving. This is a suggested choice when doing recycling on cloud libraries (media type "cl"). It may also be useful on regular tape or disk archives also, but is not a replacement for recycling that include rearchiving as in the first example.


sam-recycler (1m).

archiver.cmd (4), mcf (4).