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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 3: Introduction to Library Functions
Release 6.1.1


sam_opencat - Accesses an automated library's catalog to read entries


cc [ flag … ] file … -L∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕lib -lsam [ library … ]

#include "∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕include∕catalog.h"

int sam_opencat(const char * path, struct sam_cat_tbl * buf , size_t bufsize );


32-bit programs only


sam_opencat() initiates access to the automated library catalog pointed to by path. The string which path points to is limited to 127 characters. It returns a sam_cat_tbl structure in the area pointed to by buf . bufsize is the length of the user's buffer to which buf points. This should be equal to or greater than sizeof(struct sam_cat_tbl).

The user may have access to at most MAX_CAT catalogs at any one time.

The contents of a sam_cat_tbl structure include the following members:

catalog table  
audit_time;time_tAudit time
version;intCatalog version number
count;intNumber of slots
media[4];charMedia type, if entire catalog is one

Following the call to sam_opencat(), entries in the library catalog are obtained using sam_getcatalog().


Upon successful completion, a catalog "handle" is returned, which is an integer equal to or greater than zero.

This "handle" is used on subsequent calls to sam_getcatalog() to specify the catalog to access, and is also used by sam_closecat() to deallocate the "handle" and end access to the catalog.

If the call to sam_opencat() fails, a value of -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.


sam_opencat() fails if one or more of the following error conditions are true:


The user already has access to MAX_CAT catalogs, or the process has too many open files.


bufsize is set to an invalid value, or either path or buf is a null pointer.


This process was unable to initialize the catalog data.


There is no active catalog file with the name given.


sam_closecat (3), sam_getcatalog (3)