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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 3: Introduction to Library Functions
Release 6.1.1


sam_getcatalog, sam_getcatalogl, sam_getcataloglv - Gets catalog entries


cc [ flag … ] file … -L∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕lib -lsam [ library … ]

#include "∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕include∕catalog.h"

int sam_getcatalog(int cat_handle , uint start_entry , uint end_entry , struct sam_cat_ent * buf , size_t entbufsize );

int sam_getcatalogl(int cat_handle , uint start_entry , uint end_entry , struct sam_cat_entl * buf , size_t entbufsize );

int sam_getcataloglv(int cat_handle , uint start_entry , uint end_entry , struct sam_cat_entlv * buf , size_t entbufsize );


sam_getcatalog() and sam_getcatalogl() are obsolete, use sam_getcataloglv().

sam_getcataloglv() obtains a range of entries from the catalog of an automated library or the historian. The catalog from which entries will be obtained is indicated by cat_handle. cat_handle is similar to a file descriptor, and is returned from a previous call to sam_opencat(). The range of entries is indicated by start_entry and end_entry. start_entry must be less than or equal to end_entry, and must be in the range of valid slot numbers for the automated library (or historian). buf is a pointer to an array of sam_cat_entlv structures, into which the catalog entry information is placed. This array should be large enough to hold the number of entries requested. entbufsize is the size of a single sam_cat_entlv structure, usually indicated by sizeof(struct sam_cat_entlv).

The contents of a sam_cat_entlv structure include the following members:

catalog table entry  
status;uint_tCatalog entry status
media[4];charMedia type
access;intCount of accesses
capacity;uint64_tCapacity of volume
space;uint64_tSpace left on volume
ptoc_fwa;uint64_tFirst word address of PTOC
reserved[3];intReserved space
modification_time;time_tLast modification time
mount_time;time_tLast mount time
bar_code[BARCODE_LEN + 1];uchar_tBar code (zero filled)
lvtime;time_tLast verified time
lvpos;uint64_tLast verified position

The last verified time and position are valid if CS_DIV(status) is non-zero.


Upon successful completion the number of catalog entries obtained is returned. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.


sam_getcataloglv() fails if one or more of the following are true:


The catalog handle provided is invalid.


buf is an invalid address.


The catalog library software returned more information than was requested.


This is no longer an active catalog.


The buffer size provided is invalid, or start_entry or end_entry is invalid. (Either start_entry is less than zero, end_entry is greater than the number of entries in the catalog, or start_entry is greater than end_entry.)


For sam_getcatalog() only. The capacity or space is larger than UINT_MAX. Use sam_getcataloglv().


sam_closecat (3), sam_opencat (3), tpverify (1m).