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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 1m: Maintenance Commands
Release 6.1.1


tpverify - Tape Verify


∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕tpverify [-acwSCPM] (eq:slot | mediatype.vsn) [deq] | -xr | -lfd [-v mediatype.vsn]




tpverify performs media validation for the volume specified by eq:slot or mediatype.vsn be loaded into device deq verified then unloaded when done. The device specified by deq must be a tape drive. If deq is not specified, then the volume is loaded into an available drive by the media changer eq. If tpverify is canceled then the last position verified is saved in the robot media catalog and is used as the starting position of the next tpverify command. The -a option starts a media validation operation from the beginning of tape. A media validation operation run in a tape drive in the "on" state can be canceled by Oracle HSM if the vsn is needed. A media validation operation run in a tape drive in the "unavail" state can not be canceled by Oracle HSM.

tpverify media validation defects are stored in a defects database for use by the sam-verifyd (1m) daemon.

The itemize command with the -2 option is used to display a tape's last verified time and last verified position.



Override the last verified position saved in the robot media catalog to start the verify operation from beginning of tape.


Cancels a running tpverify command. Use the same arguments used to run the tpverify command along with the -c option.


Wait for the operation to complete before terminating.

Oracle StorageTek T10000C or greater options:


Standard verify.


Complete verify.


Complete Plus verify.


MIR Rebuild.

Periodic Media Validation options:


Check and display the ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕verifyd.cmd file.


Reloads the ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕verifyd.cmd file for a running sam-verifyd.


List tape defects database. The optional -v mediatype.vsn is used to list tape defects for a specific VSN. The defects are listed by data, time, mtype.vsn, permanent error position, length of permanent error, and flags. The flags are handled and recycled. A handled flag indicates PMV scanned the file systems for files in the defect range setting the file copy rearchive bit or file logging for zero or more files. A recycled flag indicates the user defined permanent error threshold for a tape was reached and PMV set the tape's recycle bit.


List file defects database. The optional -v mediatype.vsn is used to list file defects for a specific VSN. The defects are listed by file, inode number and generation, mtype.vsn, tape position and offset, and copy number.


Deletes defects from the tape defects database. The optional -v mediatype.vsn is used to delete defects for a specific VSN. If no option is used then all defects in the defects database are deleted.


One of the following values is returned by the program:



The configuration file for Oracle HSM environments


The configuration file for Oracle HSM Periodic Media Validation.


itemize (1m), sam-amld (1m), sam-robotsd (1m), sam-verifyd (1m), mcf (4), verifyd.cmd(4), sam_media_api (3).