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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 4: File Formats
Release 6.1.1


shrink.cmd - Oracle HSM shrink command file






Directives for controlling the shrink can be read from the ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕shrink.cmd file. The directives must appear one per line.

Comment lines are permitted. Comment lines must begin with a pound character (#), and the comment can extend through the rest of the line.

Directives that appear prior to any fs= directive are applied to all file systems. Directives that appear after a fs= directive are applied to the specified file system only. Directives that are specific to a file system override general directives.

The miscellaneous directives control whether a log file is written, whether to stage back on-line files that were released, other aspects of shrinking.


The following miscellaneous directives can be specified in the shrink.cmd file:

block_size = n

Sets the buffer size to read the .inodes file in units of megabytes. For n, specify an integer such that 1 ≤ n ≤ 16. The default n=1MB.


Writes the name for each file, as it is encountered, to the log file. This directive allows you to see the result of executing the remove or release command. By default, the file names are not displayed to the log file.


Writes the name for each file, as it is encountered, to the log file. This directive allows you to judge the effects of executing the remove or release command, without actually executing the command. By default, the command is executed.

fs = file_system_family_set_name

Specifies to the shrink that the subsequent directives apply to the indicated file_system_family_set_name only.

logfile = filename

Sets the name of the shrink's log file to filename. By default, no log file is written.


The files released are staged back on-line. By default, released files are not staged back on-line. See stage.


The partial size released for files is staged back on-line. By default, the partial size is not staged back on-line. See stage -p.

streams = n

Sets the number of threads to be used to shrink the equipment. For n, specify an integer such that 1 ≤ n ≤ 128. The default n=8.


Example 1. This example file sets the streams directive for the samfs1 file system. A shrink log is produced.

fs = samfs1
          streams = 64
          logfile = ∕var∕adm∕shrink.log

Example 2. This example specifies stage parameters and log files for each file system.

          logfile = ∕var∕adm∕default.shrink.log
fs = samfs1
          logfile = ∕var∕adm∕samfs1.shrink.log
fs = samfs2
          logfile = ∕var∕adm∕samfs2.shrink.log


release (1), stage (1).

mount_samfs (1m), sam-shrink (1m).