4 Frequently Asked Questions

This chapter includes some common questions and answers, and recommendations.

How do I access the system in Engineering Mode?

Contact Oracle Support to access the system in Engineering Mode. Engineering Mode is accessible for Oracle Support personnel only to avoid accidental misconfiguration of the system, which could possibly result in degradation of DIVArchive operations and (or) loss of data.

How will different Checksum Settings affect the system performance?

The different settings affect the performance of the system as follows:

Verify Read (Default)

Requires an additional 0% to 3% processing time for the request.

Verify Write

Requires an additional 3% to 50% processing time for the request.

Verify After Archive

Requires an additional 50% to 100% processing time for the request.

Verify After Restore

Requires an additional 50% to 100% processing time for the request.

How is Checksum Support enabled and disabled?

See Chapter 2 for information on enabling and disabling DIVArchive Checksum Support.

How is Checksum Support enabled after an upgrade?

Checksum Support is enabled by default with the Verify Read (VR) workflow.