About Visualizations

A visualization is a visual representation of the data in a Visual Insight quick dashboard, such as a grid or graph. You can add visualizations to a quick dashboard, to provide multiple ways for a user to display and interact with the data in the quick dashboard. A quick dashboard can contain many visualizations, each containing data from a different dataset; however, each visualization can display data from only one dataset at a time. Steps are below to add, duplicate, or delete a visualization, or to change the type of visualization that is used to display data.

You can add the following visualizations to a quick dashboard:

Density Map visualization: You can display your data as areas on a map, which are automatically displayed in different colors based on the population density of locations of interest in the visualization.

Grid visualization: You can display data in an interactive grid, allowing users to pivot, sort, move, drill, filter, and perform additional manipulations on data displayed in the grid.

Graph visualization: You can display the data in a graphical format and choose between a variety of different graphs, such as an area graph, line graph, or pie chart.

Graph Matrix visualization: You can display the data in a chart containing one graph for every combination of the data you specify, allowing users to examine the data for each combination individually.

Heat Map visualization: You can display the data as a combination of colored rectangles. Each rectangle represents an attribute element, and is colored and sized according to the value of metrics in the visualization, allowing users to quickly grasp the state and impact of a large number of variables at one time.

Image Layout visualization: You can display your data as colored geographical regions or as map markers on the map, then change display options such as the color of regions on the map, to allow users to quickly grasp relationships between different locations.

Map visualization: You can display the data as geographical locations on a map, then change the color, size, and display of markers based on the value of a metric, to allow users to quickly grasp relationships between different locations.

Network visualization: You can display the data as a network of nodes, with lines between the nodes representing relationships between attribute elements.


To add a new visualization to a quick dashboard


  1. Click the name of the quick dashboard to run it.

  2. You can create a visualization using a specific group of report objects. Select the report objects you want to use in the Dataset Objects panel. To select multiple report objects, press SHIFT and click each report object you want to select.

  3. From the toolbar, click the Insert Visualization icon . The Select a Visualization dialog box opens, with an icon displayed next to the visualization recommended based on the data in your quick dashboard. The icons of visualizations that cannot be created using the report objects in the quick dashboard's dataset (or using the report objects you selected, if you are creating a visualization using a specific group of report objects) are displayed in grey. You can hover the cursor over a visualization's icon to view information about the visualization's dataset requirements.

  4. Click the icon of the visualization you want to use to display your data. The visualization is automatically created and added using the report objects in your quick dashboard.

    Some visualizations can be displayed using different subtypes. For example, if you want to represent your data as a bar graph, you can choose to display it as a vertical bar graph or a horizontal bar graph. Click the icon of the visualization you want to create, then click the icon for the subtype you want to use to display your data. For a list of the subtypes for each of the visualizations available, see the table below.

  5. To add report objects to the visualization, from the Dataset Objects panel, click and drag them to the visualization's Drop Zones panel. For detailed information on the requirements for each type of visualization, see the appropriate topic for the visualization you want to add.

    Note: The name of the Drop Zones panel may vary depending on the type of visualization you are modifying. For example, the Drop Zones panel appears as the Grid panel when modifying a Grid visualization, and appears as the Network panel when modifying a Network visualization.

The table below contains a list of the subtypes for each of the visualizations available, as well as a link to a help topic with additional information on the visualization, such as detailed steps to create the visualization and example images.

Visualization Types

Visualization Subtypes

Steps to Create Visualization



Creating a Grid visualization

Heat Map


Creating a Heat Map visualization



Density Map

Image Layout

Creating a Map visualization

Creating a Density Map visualization

Creating an Image Layout visualization



Ring Pie

Creating a Graph visualization

Matrix of bar graphs

Vertical Bar - Standard

Vertical Bar - Stacked

Vertical Bar - Clustered

Horizontal Bar - Standard

Horizontal Bar - Stacked

Horizontal Bar - Clustered

Creating a Graph Matrix visualization

Matrix of line graphs

Vertical Line - Standard

Vertical Line - Stacked

Vertical Line - Absolute

Horizontal Line - Standard

Horizontal Line - Stacked

Horizontal Line - Absolute

Creating a Graph Matrix visualization

Matrix of scatter and bubble graphs with circle markers


Scatter (Metrics on X-Y axis)

Scatter Grid

Creating a Graph Matrix visualization

Matrix of scatter and bubble graphs with square markers


Bubble (Metrics on X-Y axis)

Bubble Grid

Creating a Graph Matrix visualization

Vertical and horizontal bar graphs

Vertical Bar

Vertical Bar - Dual Axis

Horizontal Bar

Horizontal Bar - Dual Axis

Creating a Graph visualization

Vertical and horizontal line graphs


Vertical Line

Vertical Line - Dual Axis

Horizontal Line

Horizontal Line - Dual Axis

Creating a Graph visualization

Vertical and horizontal area graphs


Vertical Area

Vertical Area - Dual Axis

Horizontal Area

Horizontal Area - Dual Axis

Creating a Graph visualization

Combination of different graphs

Bar and Area

Bar and Area - Dual Axis

Creating a Graph visualization



Creating a Network Visualization


Related topic

Creating a Visual Insight quick dashboard


