Creating a Map Visualization

You can add a Map visualization to a Visual Insight quick dashboard, to display your data as map markers on an interactive map. You can use the visualization to:


Providing geographical information for the Map visualization

In order to display map markers in the Map visualization, you must provide the latitude and longitude of each map marker using attributes or attribute forms. You can provide this data in the following ways:


To add a Map visualization to a Visual Insight quick dashboard:

  1. Click the name of the quick dashboard to run it.

  2. To add a new visualization to the quick dashboard, from the toolbar, click the Insert Visualization icon . Click Select Visualization. The Select a Visualization dialog box is displayed. Click the Map icon to display a row of icons representing different visualization subtypes. From the newly displayed row of icons, click the Map icon.

  3. From the Dataset Objects panel, click and drag attributes to the appropriate area in the Map panel by doing one of the following:

  4. You can use static images as map markers for locations displayed in the Map visualization, or display the map markers as dynamic bubbles. The size of each dynamic bubble is automatically based on the value of the first metric in the Color By area of the Map panel. From the Map panel, perform the following steps:

    1. From the Color By area, select one of the following:

      • To display the map markers as images, click the Color By icon .

      • To display the map markers as dynamic bubbles, click the Size By icon . The Color By area is renamed to the Size By area.

    2. From the Dataset Objects panel, click and drag the metrics you want to use to display the map markers to the Color By/Size By area in the Map panel. The first metric displayed in this area is used to display map markers in the visualization. You can click and drag the names of the metrics to rearrange them.

    3. You can display the map markers in different colors or replace the map markers with different images based on the value of the metric. To do so, you must define a threshold on the metric used to display the map markers. In the Color By/Size By area, click the Thresholds icon . The Thresholds dialog box opens. Select the appropriate options to define a threshold on the metric. For detailed steps to define the threshold, see Formatting a Map visualization.

  5. By default, when a user hovers the cursor over a map marker in the visualization, an Information Window containing additional information about the location is displayed. You can include additional attributes to be displayed in the Information Window. To do so, from the Dataset Objects panel, click and drag the attributes you want to display to the Tooltip area in the Map panel.

  6. To save your quick dashboard, click the Save As icon . The Save As dialog box is displayed.

  7. Navigate to the location in which you want to save the quick dashboard, then type a name and description for the quick dashboard in the Name and Description fields.

  8. Click OK. The quick dashboard is saved.

Related topics

About visualizations

Formatting a Map visualization


