Adding or Removing a Threshold in a Visualization

You can highlight metric data in a visualization by displaying the data in a different font color, or by replacing it with an image. For example, a Grid visualization displays revenue data for different geographical regions. You can use thresholds to display revenue values less than $500,000 in red. Thresholds can make analyzing large amounts of data easier because images are easy to locate and different font colors are quickly identified.

A threshold is made up of two parts: the condition, and the formatting that will be applied to the values that meet the condition. Conditions can vary in complexity depending upon the type of threshold that is created. The data that meets the condition is considered to be data that has passed the threshold of the condition. Once data passes the threshold, formatting is automatically applied to the data.

Steps are below to create or remove a threshold in a visualization.


To create a threshold for a metric:


  1. From the visualization's Drop Zones panel, hover the cursor over the name of the metric you want to define a threshold on, then click the arrow icon on the right. A list of options is displayed.

  2. Select Thresholds. The Thresholds dialog box opens.

  3. From the Show drop-down list, select the type of formatting you want to apply to metric values that meet the threshold condition, as follows:

  4. From the Based on drop-down list, select the metric to use to define the threshold.

  5. From the next drop-down list, select one of the following:

  6. From the Break By drop-down list, select the attribute level at which you want to restart counting rank or percent values for the metric. This option is only available for thresholds based on rank or percent values.

  7. Each band displayed in the dialog box represents a different range of values. You can click and drag a thumb left or right along the slider to increase or decrease the range of values covered by the band.

  8. Do one of the following:

  9. You can preview your changes by clicking Apply. Once you have finished defining the threshold, click OK. The threshold is created.

To clear all thresholds applied to a metric:


  1. From the Drop Zones panel, hover the cursor over the name of the metric you want to clear thresholds for, then click the arrow icon on the right. A list of options is displayed.

  2. Select Clear Thresholds. All thresholds defined for the metric are cleared, and no longer affect the display of data in the visualization.

Related topics

About Visual Insight

Creating a Visual Insight quick dashboard

Formatting visualizations


