Adding Alerts to Report Subscriptions

You can apply an alert to a report subscription, for any subscription type. When the subscription is run based upon the schedule defined, the report is only delivered if the alert conditions are met.  


To add an alert to a report subscription:

  1. Browse to the folder that contains the report  for which to create a subscription.

  2. Depending on your display:

  3. Click the Add < Subscription Type> Subscription link. This displays the Subscription Editor.

  4. In the first panel, select the subscription options.

  5. In the second panel, select the Alert check box. This displays the Alerts Editor.

  6. In the Define drop-down list, select one of the following:

Alert Filter - This lets you filter for only those results that meet the alert filter conditions. If you select this option, create an alert filter from any of the report objects, attributes and metrics in the left panel. You can also include objects not contained in the report. Click on All Objects to display additional attributes and metrics. See: Filtering Alert Results for more information on how to create an alert filter.

Alert Formatting - This lets you format the results that meet alert conditions placed on metrics in the report. If you select this option, the Alerts Editor displays a panel for creating the alert conditions and for specifying how and the results are formatted. See: Formatting Alert Results for step-by-step instructions.

Note: You can create an alert filter and alert formats for the same subscription. When both are used, the alert report will be generated when the alert filter condition is met.

  1. Select an Alert Classification. Alert Classifications are set up in Project Defaults.

  2. Click OK to save the alert conditions.


Filtering Alert Results

If you selected Alert Filter, the Alerts Editor displays the report objects in the left panel, along with an All Objects panel that lets you add objects not contained in the report.


To filter alert results:

  1. Move an attribute or metric that you want to include in the alert filter to the right panel by dragging it, or right clicking on it and choosing Add to Filter. You can also expand the All Objects folder and select objects not contained in the report. If the object is an attribute, you can either qualify the attribute, or select a list of its elements.

  2. For an attribute, select the Qualify button if you want to specify a qualification for the attribute.  Select an attribute form from the first drop-down list and an operator from the second drop-down list. Enter a value in the text box. Click the Select Attribute icon if you want to select another attribute instead of a value.

  3. Click the Apply icon to apply the qualification to the filter.


Select the Select button to specify a list. Select In List or Not in List from the drop-down list, or enter an attribute element in the Search box. The Available list displays all available elements for the attribute. Follow the procedure for the option you selected:

In List - Select attribute elements from the Available box to include in the list.

Not in List - Select attribute elements from the Available box to exclude from the list.

Search - Enter an attribute element to search for.

Click the Apply icon to apply the list to the filter.

  1. For a metric, select an operator from the first drop-down list and enter a value in the text box. Click the Select Metric icon if you want to select another metric as the value.

  2. Click the Apply icon to apply the metric qualification to the filter.

  3. Add all the necessary conditions to the filter and click OK when you are done. Click OK in the Subscription Editor.

The subscription is displayed on the Subscriptions page with an Alert icon.

Formatting Alert Results

If you selected Alert Formatting, the Alerts Editor displays a panel for creating the alert threshold and formatting the results. The metrics in the report are displayed in the first drop-down menu in the toolbar.

To format alert results:

  1. From the drop-down list, select the metric you want to format.

  2. Click the Click here to add a new threshold link.

  3. From the Filter On drop-down menu, select a metric.


  1. Define a qualification for the metric. Select an operator from the drop-down list. Enter a value in the value field, or click the Select Metric button and choose a metric for the value.

  2. Click the Apply icon to apply the qualification or list to the alert condition.

  3. Click the Add Condition icon to add any other necessary conditions to this threshold.

  4. If you want to add another alert threshold, click the New button and proceed from step 3.

  5. Format the alert results using the following toolbar icons:


- Click the down arrow to display a drop-down list with the following options for formatting the highest and lowest values in the selected alert threshold.

Highest Value - Applies formatting to the number of items you specify with the highest value above the threshold.

Lowest Value - Applies formatting to the number of items you specify with the lowest value above the threshold.

Highest % Value - Applies formatting to the percentage you specify with the highest  value above the threshold.

Lowest % Value - Applies formatting to the percentage you specify with the lowest value above the threshold.

Copy - Copies a selected alert threshold. Use the Paste icon to paste the alert threshold, which you can modify.

- Delete a selected threshold (single X) or delete all thresholds (double X).

Use the up and down arrows to change the priority of the alert threshold. This ensures that when a metric meets more than one alert threshold, it will use the formatting of the threshold with the highest priority. The alert threshold at the top of the list has the highest priority.

Cell Formatting - Displays a Cell Editor, where you specify the formatting, such as font, fill and line color, for alert results.

Enable Thresholds on Graph - Select to display the formatting for alert results in graphs.

Format Metric Only - Select if you only want to display the formatting for alert results on the individual metric values

Format Subtotals Only - Select if you only want to display the formatting for alert results on the metric subtotals.

Format Metric and Subtotals - Select if you want to display the formatting for alert results on both individual metric values and subtotals.


- Select if you want to clear all formatting


An example of the formatting is displayed in a cell next to the condition.

  1. Click OK to save the alert formatting. Click OK in the Subscription Editor to save the changes.

The subscription is displayed on the Subscriptions page with an Alert icon.


To edit an alert for a report subscription from the Subscriptions page:

  1. From the Auto Delivery menu, choose Subscriptions. This displays your subscriptions list. If you have permission to view the subscriptions of other users, they are displayed in the Owner drop-down list, and you can select a different user to view their subscriptions.

  2. Locate the subscription to which you want to add an alert. Note: If the subscription already has an alert, this is indicated by a traffic light icon.

  3. In the Action column, click the Edit icon. This displays the Subscription Editor. The Alert section displays the alert definition.

  4. In the Alert section, click the Edit button to edit the alert. This displays the Alerts Editor. The previously defined alert formats or filters are displayed. If the alert contains both formats and filters, click the appropriate option from the Define menu to display either the formats or the filter.

Alert Filter - This lets you filter for only those results that meet the alert filter conditions. If you select this option, it displays the alert filter. See: Filtering Alert Results for more information on how to edit an alert filter.

Alert Formatting - This lets you format the results that meet alert conditions placed on metrics in the report. If you select this option, the Alerts Editor displays the threshold or thresholds in the alert formatting conditions. See: Formatting Alert Results for more information on how to edit alert formats.



To edit an alert for a report subscription from the Object Subscriptions page:

  1. Select the report in the Shared Reports or My Reports folder.

  2. Depending on your display, click the Subscriptions link below the report icon or click the Subscriptions icon Subscriptions icon in the Actions column to display the Subscription page for the report.

  1. Follow steps 2-4 from "To edit an alert for a report subscription from the Subscriptions page:"

Related Topics

Viewing Alerts

Alerting Preferences



