Viewing Alerts

When you have a report or control point subscription with an alert, and the alert is triggered when the report or control point is run, the alert output report is sent to your Alerts page. You can refresh the Alerts page with new alerts by clicking on the Refresh icon at the top of the page.


To view alerts:

  1. From the Auto Delivery menu, choose Alerts. This displays the Alerts page.

  2. The alert messages are grouped and sorted either by Classification or Date, based upon your user preference. The grouping can be changed by using the radio buttons at the top of the window. The arrows on the individual column headers (Name, Status and Message Creation Time) can be used to sort the alert messages within the grouping.

You can select either Group Alerts display option:

Classification - Groups alerts by their categorization.

Date - Groups alerts by the date the alerts were generated.

  1. Access the alert report by either clicking the report Name or the report icon to the left of the report name.

You can also export the alert report, view and save it as a PDF, view report details, change the name of the alert message, or remove it from the Alerts page.

Use the following controls to perform these actions:

Export - Click to display an Export options window that lets you select options, such as file format, for exporting the report. when you are finished selecting options, click Export to export the alert report.

PDF - Click to display the report as a PDF. You can save the PDF report if necessary.

Details - Click to display the report details.

Rename - Click to enable editing of the alert message name. Enter changes to the name and click Apply to save the changes.

Remove - Select the check box in the Remove column next to alert reports you want to remove. Click the Remove button to remove the selected alerts from the Alerts page. This does not remove them from the subscription list, and the next time the reports trigger alerts, the output will be displayed on the Alerts page.

Note: You can use the Select All icon at the top of the Alerts page to select all the alert messages on the page. The icon toggles to Deselect All , which you can use to deselect all of the alert messages.


Click the   button at the top of the page to close the Alerts page and return to the prior page.


Related Topics

Adding Alerts to Report Subscriptions

Adding Alerts to Control Subscriptions

Alerting Preferences


