Automatically maintaining targets for selectors

Before you begin

You should be familiar with the various properties that define how a selector looks and what a selector controls, such as target and source. See Defining a selector for descriptions. In particular, you should know that:

Steps below show how to specify whether targets are automatically maintained.

Automatically maintaining targets

If targets are automatically maintained in the layout:

Note: Targets are not automatically maintained for panel selectors; you always manually define the targets for panel selectors.

If an object is moved between panels or document sections, selector targets are updated to automatically maintain the targets. For example, Selector 1 targets Panel Stack 1, located in the Document Header section. The Detail Header section contains Selector 2, which targets Panel Stack 2 and Grid/Graph 1 which are also in the Detail Header section. If you move Panel Stack 2 from the Detail Header to the Document Header:

An attribute on a Grid/Graph can be used as a selector that targets a panel stack or another Grid/Graph. If a user clicks an attribute on the first Grid/Graph, the target changes to display information for only that attribute. Automatic selector maintenance applies to these types of selectors, as well. All the Grid/Graphs and panel stacks in the same document section or panel as the selected Grid/Graph are chosen as targets. For more information, see Enabling Grid/Graphs as selectors to control other Grid/Graphs.

Controlling which targets are updated when auto target maintenance is enabled

When targets are automatically maintained, you can still control what target is chosen for a selector, by placing controls in different document sections. For example, a document should have a selector that targets Grid/Graph 1 but not Grid/Graph 2. Simply place Selector 1 and Grid/Graph 1 in one document section, which allows them to be linked. Place Grid/Graph 2 in another document section, and the Grid/Graph is not targeted by Selector 1.

If you cannot move controls, you can place them in different panel stacks in the same document section. Make the panel stack invisible by using a transparent background and no borders, and hiding the title bar. Using the example above, you can then place Selector 1 and Grid/Graph 1 into Panel Stack 1. Grid/Graph 2 can be placed in the same document section as Panel Stack 1, but Grid/Graph 2 is not targeted by Selector 1.

Disabling automatic target maintenance to allow manual target selection

You may want to manually select the targets for attribute and metric selectors. Using manual target selection, you can:

To do this, disable automatic target maintenance. Targets that were automatically maintained are saved; no targets are deleted or changed. You can now define new targets for existing attribute and metric selectors. If you create any new selectors, you must manually select the targets for them.

Steps to disable automatic target maintenance are below.

Enabling automatic target maintenance

When you enable automatic target maintenance on a layout, the targets of all existing attribute, metric, and metric condition selectors are replaced with all the Grid/Graphs and panel stacks that are in the same panel or document section as the selector.


To specify whether targets are automatically maintained

Note: You can also disable automatic target maintenance when you are editing the properties of a selector. On the Selector tab of the Properties dialog box, click Manual Targets. Like the following procedure, this disables automatic target maintenance for the entire layout.

  1. Open the document in the Document Editor.

  2. From the Format menu, select Document Properties. The Document Properties dialog box opens.

  3. Click Layout in the list on the left.

  4. Do one of the following:

  5. Click OK to return to the document.

Related topics

Providing interactivity to users: Selectors

Defining selectors

Methods to create selectors


