Providing Interactivity to Users: Selectors

Selectors provide dashboards with interactivity, allowing each user to change how he sees the data. A selector can change:

A control that is updated by a selector is referred to as the target of the selector. A selector can target multiple objects. For example, the same selector can target both a Grid/Graph and dynamic text fields on the same panel, or both a Grid/Graph and another selector.

Selectors allow a user to:

If a title bar is displayed for the metric condition selectors, a user can also select whether to filter on the metric values or rank, or whether to include or exclude data for items chosen in the selector. For steps to create a selector to filter based on the value of a metric, see Creating a selector that filters metric values.

Once you have created a selector, you can choose to:

Related topics

Defining a selector

Inserting a selector into a document

Modifying properties of a selector

Formatting selectors


