Creating a Selector for a Metric on a Grid/Graph

You can create a selector to allow users to choose which metrics to display in a Grid/Graph viewed in Interactive, Editable, Express, or Flash Mode.

You can choose to either automatically maintain the targets of attribute and metric selectors, or manually define these targets:

For more information on automatically maintaining targets, including instructions to enable or disable it, see Automatically maintaining targets for selectors.

You can choose to either include or exclude data for the selected metric from the target Grid/Graph by default. If the selector title bar is displayed, a user can choose for himself whether to include or exclude data when viewing the document. For examples, see Determining whether the selector includes or excludes data: Selection type. Steps to define the default behavior are included below.


You must have added the Grid/Graph to the document, to use as the target of the selector.


To create a selector for a metric

  1. Open the document in Design or Editable Mode.

  2. Right-click any metric in the Grid/Graph to use as the target of the selector, and select Create Selector Control. A selector is created just above the Grid/Graph. The selected Grid/Graph is the target and the Action Type is set to Select Metric.

  3. If the targets are not automatically maintained, you must manually specify the target of the selector, as described below:

    1. Right-click the selector and choose Select Targets. The selector is outlined in orange to indicate target selection mode is on.

    2. Click the panel to specify it as the target. The sizing handles of the target are displayed in orange.

    3. Click anywhere in the Layout area to turn the target selection mode off.

  4. Right-click the new selector, then select Properties. The Properties and Formatting dialog box is displayed.

  5. From the left, click Selector.

  6. From the Selection Type drop-down list, select one of the following:

  7. By default, autosubmission is enabled, which means that once a user chooses an item in the selector, the target immediately updates without any additional user interaction. To disable it, see Controlling how data updates: Autosubmit.

Now that you have created the selector, you can modify properties, such as multiple selections and simultaneous display of selector items, and format the selector.


