Adding and formatting a selector title bar

Once you have created a selector, you can choose whether to show the selector's title bar, which displays the title of the selector and helps to identify what the user is looking at. An example of a title bar is shown in the image below. For a Metric Slider selector, the drop-down menu in the title bar allows a user to select whether to include or exclude the selected data. For example, cost values greater than or equal to $2,724,912 are selected in the slider. When Include is selected from the title bar drop-down menu, data for all regions with cost values greater than or equal to $2,724,912 is displayed.


For Metric Qualification and Metric Slider selectors, the drop-down menu in the title bar allows a user to select whether to filter on the metric values or rank. For descriptions of the different options, see Creating selectors that filter metric values.



This procedure assumes that you have already created the document with the selector you want to add a title bar to.


To add and format a selector title bar

  1. Open the document in Design or Editable Mode.

  2. Right-click the selector and select Properties and Formatting. The Properties and Formatting dialog box opens.

  3. From the left, select General, then select the Show Title Bar check box.

  4. Type a title for the selector in the Title field. If you leave this field blank, the selector's name is displayed in the title bar by default. If the selector's Action Type is defined as Select Attribute Element or Metric Condition, the source of the target (such as Region or Revenue) is displayed.

  5. To specify the height of the title bar, from the left, click Layout. Type the height in the Title Height field.

  6. From the left, click Colors and Lines, then select Title from the second drop-down list.

  7. From the Color palette, select the color you want to use to display the title bar by doing one of the following:

  8. Click OK to save your changes and return to the document.

Related topics

Formatting selectors

Determining whether the selector includes or excludes data: Selection type

Properties and Formatting dialog box: Layout

Providing interactivity to users: Selectors


