Document Interactive Mode

Interactive Mode: work with data on a grid or graph report in a document by pivoting, sorting, adding totals, re-sizing rows and columns, and creating metrics based on report objects already on the grid report. Use selectors to flip through the panels in a panel stack or display different attribute elements or metrics in a grid or graph report in a document. Interactive Mode is optimized for dashboard viewing. For the complete list of functionality available in Interactive Mode, see Viewing documents in Interactive Mode.

Summary of Interactive mode

Display Mode

What You Can Do In It


Interactive Mode

  • Intended for document analysts

  • Edit an existing document

  • View the results of the document

  • Use selectors to flip through the panels in a panel stack or display different attribute elements or metrics in a Grid/Graph

  • Format Grid/Graphs

  • Sort grid reports and pivot report objects on them

  • Add totals

  • Re-size rows and columns

  • Create metrics based on report objects already on the grid report

  • Cannot create a new document

  • Cannot format the layout and positioning of objects or the entire document

  • Cannot format widget Flash properties



