About Creating Documents

A document contains objects representing data coming from one or more reports, as well as positioning and formatting information. It is used to format data from multiple reports in a single display of presentation quality. When you create a document, you can specify the data that appears, control the layout, formatting, grouping, and subtotaling of data, and specify the position of page breaks. In addition, you can insert pictures and draw borders in the document.

Most of the data on a document is from an underlying dataset. A dataset is a report that defines the information that the Intelligence Server retrieves from your data warehouse or cache.


Multi-layout documents

Multi-layout documents are useful when you need to send two documents as one PDF. The first document contains a wide Grid/Graph that must be printed in landscape view. The second document, which uses a different dataset report, is a narrower document that should be printed in portrait view.

The solution is to create a multi-layout document, which means that each document is placed into its own layout within the same PDF. This creates a ”book” of documents. Each layout has its own grouping, page setup, and so on. The wider layout can be set to display in landscape, while the narrower layout can be set to display in portrait.

The layouts are displayed as tabs, so that you can easily switch between layouts.


Related topics

Running and viewing a document or dashboard

Answering questions for a prompted document

Exporting a document


