Creating a document using a template

You can save a document as a template and pattern new documents based on it. Any new document made using this template will contain the same underlying datasets, fields, formatting, and layout as the template document. After the new document is created, you can customize the document as you want.

XBRi also comes with several predefined document templates. Use the Blank Document template to create a traditional document, with multiple sections. The Blank Dashboard template displays only one section, the Details Header, allowing you to easily design a dashboard using the whole screen. For an introduction to dashboards, see Designing dynamic enterprise dashboards.


You must have document designer privileges.


To create a document using a template

  1. Click the Create Document icon on the home page or folder toolbar.  The Create Document page is displayed.

  2. If you have the appropriate privileges, the View document in Design Mode check box is selected by default. Clear the check box if you want to open the document in the default mode specified by the template's designer.

  3. Document templates are listed on the Create Document page. Select a document template. The document opens in the Document Editor, displaying the datasets, controls, formatting, and layout of the template.

  4. Add objects such as Grid/Graphs, shapes, text fields, panel stacks, and widgets to the document.

  5. Format the document and controls by applying 3D effects, borders, drop shadows, gradient colors, transparent backstyles, report banding, and more.

  6. Group and sort the data, as required.

  7. Add totals, if required.

  8. To save the document, from the Home menu, select Save. The Save As dialog box opens.

  9. Type a name for the document and click OK.

Related topics

Creating a document from scratch

Designing dynamic enterprise dashboards


