About designing dynamic enterprise dashboards

A dashboard is a special type of document. A dashboard is commonly only one page long, is intended to be viewed online, and usually provides interactive features that let analysts change how they view the dashboard’s data. By being only one page long, a dashboard makes it easy to view the entire document at once and see all of its information. A dashboard allows interactivity from users, so each user can change how they see the data, within the limits of what the controls allow them.

A dashboard is a display of related sets of data on one screen, and it is commonly used to assess company or personal performance, to take a quick status check of the company, or to monitor personal work or work group contributions to overall goals of the business. Dashboards summarize key business indicators, such as revenue and profit margin, by presenting them in visually intuitive, easy-to-read, interactive documents.

The following dashboard presents several common dashboard qualities:

Example of designing a dynamic enterprise dashboard

Common dashboard characteristics in the example shown above include:

More generally, a typical dashboard contains the following characteristics:

There is no single feature that you use to design a dashboard; you can choose selectors, widgets, panels, and other controls to create a personalized, custom dashboard that suits your user’s specific needs. Various formatting options such as gradient colors and 3D effects also help you create dashboards with a style appropriate for the boardroom.

The designer can create more flexible data presentations with dashboards than with documents, since more users can be served with a single dashboard. Each user can interact with the dashboard to display only the subset of data they are interested in (using panels and selectors) or only specific attribute elements or metrics (using a selector).


