Deleting a panel from a panel stack

Panels allow the user to see different predefined views of data in the same document. Panels are contained in a panel stack, a holder for a collection of panels. Perform the steps below to delete a panel from a panel stack.

Note: These instructions apply to panel stacks and to filter panels, which are a type of panel stack that contains only selectors.


The document must contain multiple panels in the panel stack. If the panel stack has only one panel, you cannot delete it; you must instead delete the entire panel stack.


To delete a panel from a panel stack

  1. Open the document in Design or Editable Mode.  

  2. Click the Previous Panel Previous Panel icon or Next Panel icon Next Panel icon until you get to the panel that you want to delete.

  3. Click the Delete Panel icon Delete Panel icon. If the deleted panel was the current panel, the panel below the deleted panel becomes the new current panel, which is the panel that is currently displayed.


