Filtering a Dashboard: Filter Panels

A filter panel is a type of panel stack that contains only selectors, which users interact with to filter the data displayed in a dashboard. For example, a dashboard displays sales data by product category for the years 2007 to 2010. A user can filter the data to display sales data for only the books and movies categories, and only for 2010.

Panel stacks allow a designer to create several different views (panels) of data, with each view (panel) containing a logical grouping of controls that display data that is related in a meaningful way. Panels are essential building blocks for interactive dashboards, which summarize key business indicators in easy-to-read interfaces. For an introduction to panel stacks, see About layering data in dashboards: Panels and panel stacks.


An analyst can use the selectors to filter the data on the grid report, as shown below.

In Flash Mode in XBRi, and on an iPad with the XBR Ingenium mobile app, an analyst can:

By default, changes made to the selectors on the filter panel are automatically applied to the targets. You can change the automatic apply property so that an Apply button is displayed on the filter panel. When a change is made to a selector on the filter panel, the Apply button is enabled. For a more detailed description, including examples, and instructions, see Controlling how data updates in a filter panel: Automatic apply.


Related topics

Inserting a filter panel into a dashboard

Using a title bar in a panel stack

Renaming a panel or changing display order in a panel stack

Deleting a panel from a panel stack

Accessing the Panel Stack floating toolbar

Hiding title bars of a panel stack

About formatting panels and panel stacks

Loading panels on demand

Enabling panel selector arrows on a panel stack


