Inserting a Filter Panel into a Dashboard

A filter panel is a type of panel stack that contains only selectors, which users interact with to filter the data displayed in a dashboard. For example, a dashboard displays sales data by product category for the years 2010 to 2014. A user can filter the data to display sales data for only the books and movies categories, and only for 2014. For an introduction to filter panels, see Filter panels.


To insert a filter panel into a dashboard

  1. Open the document in Design or Editable Mode.

  2. From the Insert menu, select Filter Panel.

  3. Click the area of the document in which you want to insert the filter panel. The filter panel is added to the document, with a single panel.

  4. By default, the filter panel displays a title bar, which allows the user to clear all filters, and expand or collapse all the filters. If you remove the title bar from a filter panel, a user cannot make those changes. For steps to remove the title bar, see Using a title bar in a panel stack.

  5. You can change the position or size of a filter panel, and format titles, borders, background color, and title bar. To do so, right-click the panel stack and select Properties and Formatting. The Properties and Formatting dialog box is displayed. For steps to format the filter panel, see Formatting panels and panel stacks.

  6. You can change the panel name, which can be displayed on the title bar or on a selector that allows users to switch between panels. For steps, see Renaming a panel.

  7. Add a selector to the filter panel by following the steps below:

    1. Select the panel stack and pass your cursor under its title bar. A toolbar of icons is displayed.

    2. Click the Insert icon Insert icon for a filter panel.

    3. From the drop-down list that opens, select a style of selector. (For examples of each selector style, see Defining a selector.)

    4. Right-click the selector and choose Properties and Formatting. The Properties and Formatting dialog box opens.

    5. From the left, choose General.

    6. By default, a title bar is displayed for the selector. The title bar can help to identify what the user is looking at, and also allows the user to expand and collapse the selector in the filter panel. For element selectors, the number of selected elements is displayed in the title bar.

    7. Type a title for the selector in the Title field. If you leave this field blank, the selector's name is displayed in the title bar by default.

    8. From the left, choose Selector. Follow the steps in the Adding a selector to a document topic, beginning here, to define the selector, including selecting the source, the metric qualification (value or rank), the action type, the targets, and so on.

    9. Repeat these steps for each selector that you want to add to the filter panel.

  8. The selectors in the filter panel are displayed vertically, in the order that they were added. To change the order, drag and drop a selector to its new position.

  9. You can add more panels to the filter panel.

  10. If the filter panel contains multiple panels, users can flip through the panels using the arrows on the title bar. You can also add a selector to allow change the displayed panel. For steps, see Creating a selector for a panel stack.

  11. Panels are displayed in the order in which they were added. To display them in a different order, see Changing display order in a panel stack.

  12. To ensure that the correct panel will be displayed when the user first views the dashboard, select the filter panel and pass your cursor near the top of it. A toolbar of icons is displayed. Then click the Display Previous Panel Display Previous Panel icon or Display Next Panel icon Display Next Panel icon until the panel that you want to be the current panel is displayed.


