Renaming a Panel or Reordering Panels in a Panel Stack

Users switch between panels using a selector, such as a Drop-down. Panels are identified by name in the selector. If the title bar of the panel stack is displayed, the panel name can also be displayed there. The steps below show you how to rename a panel and how to reorder panels in a panel stack.

Note: These instructions apply to panel stacks and to filter panels, which are a type of panel stack that contains only selectors.


To rename a panel

  1. Open the document in Design or Editable Mode.

  2. Select the panel stack and pass your cursor under its title bar. A toolbar of icons is displayed.

  3. If the panel that you want to rename is not displayed, click the Previous Panel Previous Panel icon or Next Panel icon Next Panel icon to set the previous or next panel as the current panel, respectively.

  4. Do one of the following:

      • Click General, if it is not already selected.

      • Type a name for the panel in the Title field.

  5. Click OK in the Properties and Formatting dialog box to apply the changes to the panel stack and return to your document.

Reordering panels in a panel stack

The order in which you add panels to a panel stack affects the order in which they are displayed in the selector (such as a row of buttons) attached to the panel stack. For example, a panel stack contains three panels. By default, the panels are named Panel1, Panel2, and Panel3, in the order they were added. The selector attached to the panel stack is a button array. It displays Panel1 on the left, Panel3 on the right, and Panel2 in the middle.

If this display order is incorrect, you can move the panels to change their order.


The document must contain a panel stack with multiple panels. To add panels to a panel stack, see Adding panels to a panel stack.


To reorder panels in a panel stack

  1. Open the document in Design or Editable Mode.

  2. Select the panel stack and pass your cursor under its title bar. A toolbar of icons is displayed.

  3. Click the Previous Panel Previous Panel icon or Next Panel icon Next Panel icon until you get to the panel that you want to move. The panel that you want to move must be displayed before you can modify it.

  4. Once you have selected the panel to shift in the stack, do one of the following:


