Document Editor: Layout area

The Layout area is in the center of the Document Editor interface and provides the framework for precisely controlling where controls (that is, data fields) are rendered when the document is viewed in HTML mode or printed in PDF.

To add data, drag objects from the Dataset Objects and drop them into this area. Controls are rendered differently depending on what section they are placed in, as described below:

You can expand and collapse a section by clicking the plus or minus sign next to the section name. To increase the size of a section on the Layout area, click and drag the bottom boundary of the section. This provides more space as you design the document. Neither process affects the section size or whether controls display when the document is viewed or printed.

The Layout area provides an alignment grid to help you control the placement and alignment of controls. You can change the density of the grid by defining the Alignment grid density in User Preferences.

Note: If your layout expands past the width of a single page, a dotted line is displayed to show the page break.


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