Document Layout: Document Editor

To use the Document Editor correctly, you need to know about the following parts of its interface. Click each link for more information.

Layout Area: In the center of the interface, provides the framework for displaying the headings and value cells of the dataset objects.

Dataset Objects: On the left side of the interface, contains the objects selected for the document.

Document Structure: On the left side of the interface, contains all objects in the document organized by section.

Grouping panel: At the top of the interface, lets you group information in the document in a hierarchical structure.

Notes: The Notes panel displays the notes or comments added to a document, and allows you to add your own notes. You can access the Notes panel by selecting Notes from the Tools menu.

Related Reports: The Related Reports window displays links to reports and documents that are stored in the same folder as the document that you are currently viewing. You can access the Related Reports panel by selecting Related Rports from the Tools menu.


