Document Editor: Notes

The Notes panel displays the notes or comments added to a document, and allows you to add your own notes. Use this area to communicate with other users about the document. The notes can include details about the document, information on how it was created, reasons to use it, queries about the data displayed, a back-and-forth conversation about designing the document, or anything useful to you and other users. The document cache is not invalidated when notes are added or modified.

You can access the Notes panel by selecting Notes from the Tools menu.

The Notes panel contains:


To add a note to a document:

  1. Open the document in Design, Editable, Interactive, or Flash Mode.

  2. From the Tools menu, select Notes. The Notes panel is displayed.

  3. In the bottom text field in the Notes panel, type the text of the note you want to add. You can type up to 1024 characters in each separate note, to a maximum of 65,535 characters for all the notes in the document.

  4. Click Submit. The new note appears in the top pane of the Notes panel.

To edit notes in a document:

  1. Open the document in Design, Editable, Interactive, or Flash Mode.

  2. From the Tools menu, select Notes. The Notes panel is displayed.

  3. In the Notes panel, click Edit.

  4. In the top pane, type over the existing text or add new text.

  5. Click OK to apply your changes.

Related topics

Document Editor

Document Editor: Layout area

Document Editor: Dataset Objects

Document Editor: Document Structure

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